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Name: Tim Young


stingpin's Recent Comments
April 11, 2021 11:50 pm The Jed MacKay who writes for Marvel is not either of the Canadian TV writers by that name. I interviewed him on my podcast recently: https://deconstructingcomics.com/?p=7476
April 11, 2021 10:19 pm I was a regular Marvel reader from about 1978 to the mid-80s, when I fell off comics entirely during college, and I didn't come back until the mid-90s, so I had totally missed this until now. I put off listening to your podcast until after I had a chance to read the book. As you guys said, this was such a fun, absorbing read - "didn't want it to end", as Conor said - and yes, I felt like I totally knew what was going on without having read any of the previous issues, and without a recap page. The modern recap page is a crutch so the writers don't have to work at filling in new readers -- and probably also a symptom of the stories becoming less compressed and having fewer pages. No space to have characters standing around giving exposition. I'd love to read more of this - disappointed to hear that Byrne didn't do much more than this on the title, but presumably the other writers did pretty well on it, too? Anyway, this is WAY up on the "GOSH" scale - glad you guys drew my attention to it! (And yes, I was born in 1965. You guys think YOU'RE old! 😅)
April 11, 2021 10:10 pm @cskilpatrick Agree! He looked best with Austin inks.
July 18, 2020 12:17 am In answer to Josh's question, Prowler faaaar precedes Spawn -- first appeared in 1969, Amazing Spider-man 78!
April 1, 2020 2:37 am Hey Josh, here's some left-side panel stacking for you, complete with helpful arrows! https://www.dropbox.com/s/95lxeldk6m959bh/Screen%20Shot%202020-04-01%20at%203.34.24%20PM.png?dl=0 (from Batman 180, May 1966)
February 24, 2020 5:36 pm It's also here, as part of one of the several online archives of the Adventures of Superman radio show: https://archive.org/details/Superman_page09
May 14, 2016 6:42 am Ron -- I totally agree with you about the art in THUNDERBOLTS #1. The figures were a bit on the rough and crude side. Looked a bit too amateurish for Marvel/DC art. However, I liked the story better than you did. I didn't read Pleasant Hill, but didn't feel in the dark. Zub did a decent job on the exposition, I thought, to help me understand the situation, but it didn't leave much room for an actual story to develop. It ain't Alan Moore, but I'm willing to buy #2 to see where this story is going.
November 12, 2015 9:24 am Congrats on 10 years! I first found your show shortly after you started, when I was researching this "podcast" thing to start my own show -- which will also be celebrating ten years in a few weeks! I'm the guy in Japan who complained about spoilers, haha. I don't think I ever listened to your first episode, but I started around episode 3 or 4 and have been listening since. At this point, it's more about listening to you guys than it is about the comics. Here's to another ten!