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Name: Pedro Piquer


pppiquer's Recent Comments
December 17, 2010 2:34 pm that Samson cover is really good!
December 14, 2010 7:21 pm Shazam! Captain Marvel is awesome, but since he's so much better than Superman and his name is Marvel, he'll never have a snowball's chance in hell to be the star he deserves in the DCU
December 10, 2010 11:33 am lovin the look of that Etrigan sketch
December 4, 2010 12:17 am I just got around to watching this, and WOW. Even though I'm still mad at them for making Robin Dick and not Tim, I forgive them due to the sheer awesomeness of the show.

To those wondering about Speedy's future, in one of the promotional clips on YouTube they show concept art for Red Arrow, so there you go.
December 3, 2010 9:30 pm @DarkKnightDetective  I agree, I think a Zatanna TV Series would make a lot more sense than a Raven one, but maybe that's just me
November 24, 2010 6:13 pm I'd push Wayne to 4, he's not that much of a business person really
November 23, 2010 10:10 pm wow, that Morning Glories cover is really beautiful :O
November 23, 2010 10:00 pm I would kick B&R to 3rd, but otherwise, I fully agree with this list =)
November 16, 2010 6:17 pm Marvel is evil and is out to get me... jk I never read this, but I think I'm going to now just to show them what a big mistake they made!