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Name: Mike Schaeffer


popaklaw's Recent Comments
February 21, 2011 10:03 am On Big Boa:  Wasn't he a response to Rocky Balboa being included in the Order of Battle mini.  It was a collection of OHOTMU listings for the joes.  Rocky was a boxing trainer for the Joes but was retracted in the next issue.
February 21, 2011 9:11 am @Ron:  The Use of the term "colored" lanterns is very insensitve of you.  They prefer Lanterns of Color.  Please see HR for the diversity and sensitivity training you so clearly deserve.
October 26, 2010 10:25 am So Millar says to Hollywood, "Where'd Scott go?" Hollywood says, "Where'd who go?"
October 22, 2010 5:42 pm

The economy hit my stack hard, killed it in fact.  No trades either.  Luckily, the library system in MD is carries a good amount of trades and hardcovers.  Working on Invincible collection 2, 3rd trade of Fables, Asterios, Amazing Spiderman trades are usually available the week they come out, and I am getting my first walking dead trade this week.

I used to be a $50 a week habit. The library is my sequential art methadone clinic.

October 22, 2010 3:49 pm

Quote from my 5 year old, "You don't understand. They are all together now, and that is awesome!"  I have 3 boys (3,5 and 8) and it was a big hit in my house.



October 22, 2010 3:41 pm And somebody's pick of th week was used in the press release.