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Name: Bill Benson

Bio: I'm basically a forty something, politically liberal, African-American guy, who works in the IT field that loves comic books. I've been collecting since I was six. My favorite characters are Black Panther, John Stewart (Green Lantern), Daredevil, Storm, Batman, and Wolverine. My favorite teams are The Avengers, X-Men, and The JLA.

morehouse92's Recent Comments
April 30, 2011 9:08 am Can someone help me understand why the FF helped Doom? When Reed saved Galactus' life back in the day I struggled with that for awhile but I got it. Galactus was part of a plan that was above his pay grade in term of judging it. However, he should have left Doom to his fate. As far as the book is concerned it's pretty good. It's a fresh look for Reed and the gang. Torch is gone. They have a school of "gifted youngsters" :) to look after including their own daughter. Spider is one the team but I don't know where he finds the time between them, The Avengers, and his own career.