
Name: Matthew Southworth


matthewsouthworth's Recent Comments
September 11, 2012 5:56 pm Hey there-- I totally get your point (I forget what's going on in a book from month to month, and that's when it doesn't have the huge delays we had on Stumptown; plus, I'm a Powers fan and know exactly what you mean), but here's the story on Stumptown, volume 2: The arc is five issues long Four of the five issues are complete and I'm drawing the fifth one right now. So there won't be the delays we had last time, and hopefully you'll give us another shot. I'm even prouder of this arc than I was of the first one, so I hope you'll pick it up. Some pretty nifty things happen in here and you don't want to miss out... Matt Southworth
September 1, 2010 3:57 pm

Thanks, everyone, for the kind words about Stumptown! 

 Juat want everyone to know it's NOT cancelled (no one can cancel it but me and Greg!, and we love it)--the book has always been intended to be a series of "cases", usually four issues, then some prep time off, then another four issues.  The delays, some of which were publishing-related, some of which were my fault entirely, have messed up our initial idea of being four monthly issues, then four months off.  

But we're working on the next arc right now--and we're finishing the first three issues before we solicit, so it will be a few months before anything comes out, but when it does, it will be regular.  

Thanks again to everyone who's reading it.  It means a lot that you like it.