
Name: Timothy Crandall


mastertriptrap's Recent Comments
October 21, 2008 10:58 am So it was not a gross oversight, just a poor segway to all that was "explained" in the next X-Force issue.
September 16, 2008 1:33 pm I do read X-Force, and I highly recommend that you all pick it up.  I was thoroughly confused by Angel, and then Archangel showing up with the rest of X-Force.  At the end of the last issue of X-Force (#6), Archangel reverted back to Angel and was lying in bed with natural wings fully grown.  Wolverine is quoted as saying that Warren is himself for now, "for good" (we all know that never lasts), but he can still feel the metal wings inside of him.  What I think happened was a gross oversight on Marvel editors, as Cyclops repeatedly tells his team about it being too late for a Skrull infiltration.  Even Warpath seems to evade the question asked about "the new guy."  So perhaps it was caught, but was ignored regardless.  I'd be really happy with an explanation of how that happened, but I doubt we'll get one.