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Name: Mark Avo

Bio: .Net Developer, Know-it-all & Masterless Samurai.



I’m hoping editorial caused the last half of this series to seem disjointed because my patience for a magnificent payoff…

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In some panels the art is out of this world. In others it feels a tad rushed. The story is…

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Another great issue. If you’re not reading this I’d like to know why in the comments. Bravo to all involved…

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markavo's Recent Comments
August 1, 2013 12:02 am I took @ghostman's advice like it was meant for me. Thanks @ghostman, your comment kept going through my head as I was posting my feelings on the book here... I'm glad I didn't. @ApoetSomeday covered here anyway ;-)
July 31, 2013 11:59 pm I got all the interplay and I still didn't like it. It's great, it's just not for me. I sure hope he and Burnham do more together in the future.
July 31, 2013 11:55 pm I'm hoping editorial caused the last half of this series to seem disjointed because my patience for a magnificent payoff was rewarded with disappointment. It isn't just me either, as it appears to be a common feeling. This final issue makes the last 11 issues either an ending that's all meta without sufficient exposition, or a convoluted story with such a simple ending that the journey became meaningless. After hearing Morrison talk about this post New 52 Batman Inc. in interviews, I have to believe it was the later. I think I'd be more satisfied if the story felt like it was supposed to mean something significant rather than a long winded divorce metaphor. Batman isn't the best lens to tell such a tale but if anyone could have pulled it off, it was Morrison. And with that in mind, I've reconsidered my opinion of the entire story. The let down feeling I have, with fond memories of past issues before it turned sour, and the pointless destructive ending where life still goes on, means I got the exact message Morrison was going for. Morrison did pull off the meta tale of divorce and it's consequences in Batman's world and I think it’s brilliant. I just don’t like it.
July 18, 2013 1:44 pm Another Deadpool pick by Josh... is this now normal? It's like, I should still feel all "twilight zone" about it but maybe I shouldn't? The book's good though, so why not pick it? I always say that when my nose is full.
July 18, 2013 12:06 pm thanks for the laugh, I needed that this morning :-)
June 28, 2013 2:55 pm The entire Hawkeye book was full of great moments and my favorite among the many, is when Clint tells Lucky he's a good boy and Lucky smiles... that and the Salute :-) My dog has the same goofy smile whenever you tell him he's a, "good boy": http://sdrv.ms/14B1FfM Sure it isn't the best of moments in most people's opinion, but that smile gets me. Aja is spectacular at even the small stuff. That part of the story telling really does it for me. If you've read it, you'll know that the "C'mon Lucky" meant to me.
June 28, 2013 2:40 pm If I miss the name of the author at the top of the "covers of the week", I can always tell it's Paul just by his writing. No waste of space and fun for the sake of fun is not permitted. If the flavor of the comment will be either a fun, sassy, technical, or concise commentary, then the entire comment is made beautiful through it. That's not to say everyone else doesn't have a unique voice, just that Paul's shines through brightly - even though half a year has passed since Ron left.
June 28, 2013 2:30 pm ISSUE #3 IS NOW AVAILABLE!!!! GO DOWNLOAD IT NOW! (Also, if you're financially able, throw some Cheddar their way)
June 28, 2013 10:27 am Great review. I hope this one gets talked about on the podcast. This issue is going to sit with me all month.
June 28, 2013 10:25 am WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?! Remender is a glorious bastard! Next issue is probably going to kill me.