
Name: Ariella Szczupakiewicz



ltpepper44's Recent Comments
May 23, 2012 11:28 pm OMG clone red has a baby!!!!!! AAAHHHHH!! i love that!!!!!! hey people im a girl who goes to an all girl school so its hard to find other comic book readers, and my family (mostly my sisters) thinks i'm crazy! but what girls seem not to understand is that there is allot of drama that happen in comics(especially super hero ones) and think super hero's are mostly meant for little boys. but HELLOOO!!!! some of the best love story, scandals, and other gushy things girls usually like (hey i'll admit i like those things acationally) happen a lot! ex: the batman+ cat woman+wonder woman thing, (plus all the other ladys in bat man's life) just these romance's are SO MUCH BETTER!!!!! I <3 COMICS 4ever!!! :)