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Name: Keyton Williams



ketochase's Recent Comments
November 3, 2012 4:36 pm I friggin love that Whispers cover. I don't read it but I definitely stopped and stared at it for long time.
October 19, 2012 8:08 pm Easily panel of the year. I just so happened to be in public when I was reading this and laughed out loud so hard I scared the lady next to me. And if this panel hadn't of existed in this issue, so many other panels could have made it. Hawkeye just doesn't stop impressing me.
October 16, 2012 5:27 pm Bah, I hate it when people sit here and bash books. If it isn't your thing, cool, then it isn't your thing. We get it. These artists work really hard to make these books great. Maybe I'm saying this because I genuinely am enjoying Grifter. Regardless of who the artist is. So he doesn't draw it like you'd want it to look like, who cares? Pass it up at your local comic book store and don't think twice about it. Let us who are enjoying these books actually enjoy them and don't make the artist feel like crap because it doesn't look like what you think it should look like. Rant over. But really though, I am going to miss Grifter.
October 15, 2012 11:13 pm My thoughts typed out. Verbatim. I love Batman and all but I can't keep up with all of them! And they have to cancel one of my favorites like Grifter! Suuuuuucks.
October 7, 2012 2:23 pm I wanted to defend that SOOOO badly, but like you, I opened my mouth to rebuttal but nothing came out.
October 6, 2012 2:21 pm Something about that panel with Batman, hand on one hip, cup of coffee in the other hand, struck me as kind of an amazing moment. Moments like that are so far and few with Batman. He is always going, fighting, saving, dying, not dying, growling, divng, etc. etc. etc. we just get so used to seeing him in really great action shots. We forget about shots like these where he is actually chill enough to to do something as simple as put a hand on his hip and drink a cup-a-joe. Very, very great.
October 2, 2012 1:35 pm Love. This. Comic.
October 2, 2012 1:32 pm I will miss the art in this series very much. The story line started off strong, not to say I dislike it now, but I sort of ended up always furrowing my brow in at least one panel in each issue.
October 2, 2012 1:27 pm I can't relate to Ultimate Spidey as I haven't read any of the recent stuff but I definitely can relate to the quandary that is Superman. I keep reading thinking that at some point it is actually going to get good. I read and I read and every month I always end up feeling the same. I wish my three dollars went to another book, six dollars really because Action Supes isn't quenching my thirst either.
October 1, 2012 4:01 pm That Arkham Asylum cover is just sick. One of my all time favorites for sure