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Name: marcus wiggins



k5blazer's Recent Comments
February 27, 2012 6:10 pm I am tired of Jim Lee stroking his his own ego by all of the needless re-designs. As for who it is under the mask, I say Thomas Wayne based on the Flashpoint book and how that character caught on and caused a stir as a Batman who could take that step that Bruce normally wouldn't
February 23, 2012 4:15 pm Robert Kirkman: Tiger Beat Hunk!
February 21, 2012 6:44 pm Not trying to start another Pym debate, but shouldn't that say Tales to Astonish and not Tales of Suspense? Ant Man/Giant Man was in Astonish and Iron Man and Cap were in Suspense.
February 21, 2012 6:25 pm Now you're talking my language! I love all of those Marvel Super Hero songs! Etched in my brain for years!
February 20, 2012 2:08 pm Great topic for a new article Ron! There is no guarantee that something good might be collected in a trade so its good to let people what they could be missing out on.
January 24, 2012 4:07 pm Pym at #1 is nonsense, as is the whole spousal abuser thing. It was 30 years ago, he was not right mentally, and the story itself wasn't that strong, but to keep referring to that one point which took place over two issues is lame. Despite the recent re-visiting of Stark's alcohol problems, does anyone say "That drunk Iron Man"?. Looked like a cheap shot at Pym for no reason.
January 12, 2012 3:28 pm Well said and well written Molly. You captured and mirrored my thoughts on the issue exactly! Nicely done!
January 4, 2012 11:08 pm Just started reading this, did anyone else think of the South Park Goth Kids when Quentin said "Conformists."...? I need to get out more....
January 3, 2012 12:35 am X-Men Schism #4. There were a number of contenders this year, Scalped, Criminal, Walking Dead, Fantastic Four, several of the New DC 52 number 1's. But Schism #4 really resonated on a visceral level for me. When Cyclops chose to make that completely out of line comment to Wolverine in the middle of a dangerous situation, For a brief moment I wanted Wolverine to gut him and watch him bleed out. It reminded me of the Age of Apocalypse story where Cyclops was running around with one eye and Wolverine with one hand, in that universe they apparently had it out... But here, Cyclops just making that staement was one of those times where you KNOW when something like that is said there is going to be a fight. As leader Cyclops responsibility was to the safety of the team, and not taking cheap shots at Wolverine. It was mean-spirited and irresponsible and he needed his ass-kicked. It was almost like that episode of The Shield where Vic Mackey tells Capt. Kavanaugh what his ex-wife's "happy area" tastes like. WAY out of line, and a reason to throw some hands, but Kavanaugh let it slide. I wouldn't and neither did Wolverine. Cyclops was out of line at the worst possible time and with no reason at all. That issue stood out for me because the long-simmering dispute now was out in the open and they got into it and the result is the team is split. This is all on Cyclops, however it ends.
December 14, 2011 2:25 am This was a pleasant surprise, both artistically and story-wise. I'll keep up with it.