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Name: marcus wiggins



k5blazer's Recent Comments
March 21, 2012 12:11 am They made Billy Batson an ill-mannered, angry teen, who turns into a brooding, hoodie-wearing Superman Earth One cover knock-off....not a good opening...
March 15, 2012 3:54 am I knew it! Glad the book is living up to the talent of the people involved and past the controversy!
March 14, 2012 3:45 pm I co-sign that rant kennyg!
March 14, 2012 3:31 pm It appears that with the rise in popularity of comics reporting there are a large number of people are in it for the wrong reasons. Which is why this is such a good place for comics news. The guys here, and this includes you, respect boundaries that are set by a creator, they only get into what's relevant to the work. What anyone makes or what they do on their free time is no one's business, if a creator wishes to make it known, then so be it, but the guys here won't breach a confidence just to get a "scoop" on the story first. The guys here are in this for the love of the craft and because they are friends who want to do this, they have a genuine and organic love for the craft, where a number of other outlets are pimping this hobby in order to raise their own profile in order to springboard it into another field. Or even worse they will be told something in confidence, then run around and reveal it but never put their names on it. That doesn't happen here. There is no cowardice here. The guys post their opinions on things and report whats coming up all in a full yet professional manner, and the thing is without really intending to they have created a standard that more comics media people should aspire to. Comics news gathering and reporting can be accomplished without resorting TMZ garbage, and anyone who has been the subject of an interview appreciates that a certain discretion is offered when private things are revealed. When I was at Image Expo and was doing a piece with a creator there, he made a disparaging comment about another one and while he may have been "breakin the guys balls" and making a joke, I wasn't certain so I left it out to be safe. There is no reason to start shit by revealing something that wasn't pertinent to the interview and could be taken out of context. The high standard set here should be the rule and not the exception to it.
March 14, 2012 3:11 pm I'm kind of on the fence with this. While I enjoyed the first incarnation of the book up to the showdown with Harada, the art here and it is very preliminary, b ut the brooding teen in the hoodie is too overdone, just like it was in the JMS Superman book. And the sketches of the uniforms look as if they were taken straight from Star Trek:The Next Generation. Again it's VERY early but the initial offerings are a little lacking for me.
March 13, 2012 2:51 pm Having Carl shoot a zombie Shane and not human Shane like he did in the book takes a lot from that character. In the book we are seeing s how that shooting is slowly affecting him as he took a human life, where in the series he essentially just dropped another zombie and the fallout from that can't be the same as it would be for killing a human.
March 2, 2012 3:34 pm What does "emo-style" mean?
February 27, 2012 8:47 pm That was great. Does he come with the flip-down shades?