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Name: John S

Bio: A once upon a time marvel/image/vertigo reader who is over 10 years lapsed.. DC new 52 kicked my ass back into the comic book shop and I am eager to 'discover' what comics have been up to.


jwsutts's Recent Comments
October 25, 2011 12:07 am Pulling... All Star Western Aquaman I, Vampire Incredible Hulk JL:D Spaceman (as people keep saying, why not for a buck?) TMNT #3 Flash Ultimate Comics: Ultimates Voodoo "dropping" if you can call it that after 1 issue... Superman, and Batman: Dark Knight, Firestorm, Hawkman Really want to get on Amazing Spider Man.. but as I'm newly back into comics and want to get TPB's to 'catch up' and am going to wait on the spider island one to be released before I order. Daredevil also sounds awesome - and I'll wait on a TPB then probably issue to issue it. Now I'm also curious about Planet of the Apes from comments in here!
October 11, 2011 2:36 am What's killing me is I'm just back to comics - so I feel like I need to wait for this event to finish so I can catch up in TPB form! This cover makes me wish I was issue to issue-ing so bad.
October 5, 2011 5:25 pm Looks really interesting but I'm tempted to see if it gets a TPB treatment along with a whack of positive reviews.
October 4, 2011 4:22 pm Do you think the 'frail' nature of a comic book and some inherent need to keep it in as reasonably good condition as one can - combined with it's size - is partly why people wouldn't read comics out in the general view of the world? I don't "collect" to sell... In fact I'm a lapsed reader recently returned (thanks dc52 for the kick in the pants) - but once I have my issue I PREFER to keep it fairly safe... I end up putting it in a bag (no board!?) because I'm not sure what else to do with it... and my instinct is to "keep it nice". I can't imagine putting it in a backpack or bag where the edges would get torn up and reading it at the coffee shop. Maybe a robust 'graphic novel' with a hardcover and a dust jacket.... and certainly if I had an ipad I'd happily read digitally in public.