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Name: John Kish

Bio: Well, comics have been a huge part of my life since I was in 4th grade.  My first comic ever was G.I. Joe #40...maybe #41.  Whichever one, I then started buying Avengers comics and loving them.  I stopped for a brief year in the early 2000's, but then got back into them and bought all of the issues that I missed in that year.  When I got married, I had little pins of the Robin symbol made for all of the men at the wedding to wear.  Expecting a child, I'm buying up lots of loose DC Direct and Marvel Legends figures so that, should the little sprout show some interest in comics, he/she will have the coolest toys on the block...and I can play with them on the side while the kid is still a drooling infant.The wife and I moved to Milwaukee just over three years ago, I'm a high school teacher, and I'm always looking for people to talk comics with over a beer.  Word.Edit: We had the boy!  I've already read him some comics...here's hoping he develops into a little nerd! Edit: He's 19 months old now and he loves filing comics with me. We pull out the box, he takes off the top, he pushes them in for me, and then he puts the top on and pushes it back on the shelf. Too fun.


Matt Kindt is amazing. When reading a book of his, it’s easy to close your eyes and watch the movie…

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Having read issue #1 a week late, it was great to read these two right in a row. First of…

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jjkish7's Recent Comments
June 27, 2011 3:06 pm Check out all of the V-belts.
February 1, 2011 8:38 am I like his glasses.  I want them.
January 25, 2011 5:44 pm Dammit.  I was doing so good not seeing anything about it...and then at the bottom of a page about the Oscars is a picture of Johnny Storm from the FF movies and a tag about his death.  So annoying.  Anyway...I won't look at anything about how it happens.
January 25, 2011 5:28 pm Right now, all I'm doing is checking out other pages trying to NOT look at the FF reveal.
January 18, 2011 2:32 pm Man...I just dropped Uncanny, X-Men, X-Men Legacy, and X-Factor.  Do I need to pick this one back up?  Is he that good?  I haven't read Generation Hope, any of the Phonogram series', or SWORD.
January 13, 2011 8:15 am I finally read the 4th trade over the holidays...and I've got to say, I was amazed at how Warren Ellis was able to tug at my emotions right there at the end.  It was good stuff and it's one of my favorites up on the trade shelf.
January 10, 2011 12:41 pm That Avengers run was my FIRST foray into comics (after GI Joe #40) and I still remember it fondly.  Good call!
December 21, 2010 1:42 pm Yeah, I placed a big trade order to take with me on the family trip.

Planetary Vol. 4
The new Parker
Return of the Dapper Men
The last Ex Machina
The new Grandville
The two latest Locke and Key volumes
Moving Pictures

On my short Christmas list were the first two Hellboy library editions and an Everton top...so, hopefully the trade library will expand even more!  I'm so excited to read them...but I don't leave until the 26th, I don't know if I'll be able to wait. 
November 5, 2010 1:53 pm If only there were REAL rpg's online, not MMO's, that I could find.  Dice and all.  Anyone know about any of these?
November 1, 2010 5:00 pm Is Bendis really short? or is Kirkman really tall?