
Name: ed develine


iceicebaby's Recent Comments
December 28, 2009 2:00 pm NO DEXTER?
December 17, 2009 1:21 am The only thing the movie needs is Megan Fox and its perfect
December 7, 2009 1:29 am

Just got through issue 11, and it was a blast. I still can't find the specific panel where Cole attains his power. Is he irradiated or injected? At any rate I'm curious to see how the series wraps up.

I gotta say that I was rather underwhelmed by the big reveal in issue#10. I thought it was too brief (7 pages for an origin) and needed way more fleshing out: for example why did Alpha One feel the necessity to revolt on his home planet? What were the "answers" he proposed and what ideals did they encapsulate? And why did he wait so long to interfere directly in human affairs, especially when he landed a good two hundred years before his first public appearance? He says that during this relatively dormant period he "watched as people lived, loved and died." But given that he tried to take over his home planet, I just don't buy that he is the watching type.

I guess it doesn't help that the series is coming out at the same time as "Irredeemable", a book that covers similar ground and is better overall, at least in my humble opinion (though the art in "The Mighty" as been worth the price alone). You notice how both Alpha One and the Plutonian have to remove a-bombs during baseball games? What ever happened to the national past time?

December 4, 2009 12:24 pm

Best line:

Brian: So you had sex before you kissed?

Daisy and Tims: (Shit!!) Yeah...

December 1, 2009 3:49 am

Daredevil 182

In the aftermath of Elektra's death, Matt Murdoch nearly goes insane. From love, of course. "She's alive!" he says, startled out of his sleep. And so begins Daredevil's quest to find his beloved. As a man possessed, he tears his way through Kingpin's henchmen in a blind rage, screaming "Where is she?". When finally confronting the big man himself, Daredevil threatens terrible retribution - starting with the Kingpin himself - if he doesn't divulge Elektra's location (for those of you who need reminding, Matt's former-girlfriend-turned-assassin worked for the crime lord). A baffled Kingpin, though usually stoic in his demeanor, is genuinely surprised at a his foe's break with reality. And the reader, unlike our hero, is certain of one thing after this frentic encounter: Kingpin truly doesn't know where she is. Daredevil, however, is undissuaded by the obviousness of truth. He storms off more determined than ever to find Elektra.

Perhaps sensing he will never know peace if he doesn't come to terms with her death, Matt Murdoch - not Daredevil - digs up her grave to face the finality of truth he dreads so much. Being blind, Murdoch will only have complete assurance of the body's identity by caressing the face of the one persumed to be his former lover. If not for Miller's elegantly sparse illustrations, the scene would surely have come off as quite morbid. But it does not. A grief-stricken "Noooo!" echoes across the cemetary, confirming what most readers know all too well by now: it's her.

Distraught and in tears (Miller is the BEST at conveying a hero's emotional frailities), Murdoch is led away gently from his former lover's grave by Foggy, his law partner and best friend. "I loved her Foggy", and with that ends what I consider to be the best self-contained issue ever.

Since then, I loan out this issue to friends and family members who have experienced loss and who want to understand some of the turmoil that is felt when a loved one dies. I've never received a single complaint. So that is what I'm grateful for when I think of how comics have touched me... 

November 19, 2009 7:39 pm

Wow! So now a can of worms has been opened up for good.

If the invisible jet is magical and Hephaestus made it, then he's not just the best blacksmith that there ever was, he's a damn good aeronautical engineer as well. But then that just begs Sonia's question: where (and how) did he learn to make it? Did he attend MIT or CalTech? OK, he's a god and all that but it's a hellava lot harder than pounding out shield for Athena. How about parts? Do they also have to be made by Hephaestus, or does he outsource. What about fuel? Does it even need fuel?  

November 19, 2009 5:15 pm


LOL! Yeah, the ceiling bit does kind of make sense, doesn't it?

So maybe we can alter the Siegel & Shuster banner to read: "Faster than a speeding bullet. More powerful than a locomotive. Able to punch hole through his bedroom ceiling with a .....".

Well, you get the idea.

November 19, 2009 12:40 pm

"How does he pee?"

Perhaps with great power also comes great bladder control. Or, as is more likely the case, he makes the necessary adjustments to accomodate his webslinging jaunts. I'm quite certain, for instance, that on nights when Spiderman is on duty you won't find Peter Parker an hour before knocking back pitchers with Harry and Flash. 

My real concern, and I hope I don't come off sounding too crude, would be the NUMBER TWO problem. Imagine you're tangling with the Rhino and all of the sudden you cramp up! Can't exactly call "time out", can you? So my guess would be NO saucy foods on crime-fighting nights; DEFINITELY no Indian or Mexican food.

I'm sure there must be some correlation between the personality of the hero and his/her bathroom habits. For instance, a control freak like Batman could probably anticipate down to the last second when he has to "go".

Yes, I'm weird. 

Great article, BTW.