
Name: Greg Hinkle


greghinkle's Recent Comments
September 19, 2012 6:37 pm Since Rogue's powers allow her to soak up another's powers, would she absorb this "impervious to powers" power? I can't even think about this particular question hard enough to make sense of it in my head.
September 19, 2012 5:29 pm Does Rogue get sick? Do her powers siphon the life force from ANYthing organic that comes in contact with her, or just people? Can she kill the lawn by walking around barefoot? If her powers affect things down to a molecular/atomic/cellular(?) level, then no, she probably can't get pregnant, would be my guess. In vitro fertilization could be argued as a possibility, assuming her powers wouldn't just immediately zap the foreign bodies. Though as far as I know, Rogue's powers don't work on herself. And since IVF takes place outside the body, once the fertilized egg is transferred back inside it would essentially be a part of herself. Good grief, I can't even believe I just thought about this so hard. My mother would be proud...
September 19, 2012 2:26 pm Here's one that's bothered me recently: Assuming that the arc-reactor technology is viable, how is it physiologically possible for Tony Stark to have a giant chunk of his sternum missing and retain mobility? Also, wouldn't he have a huge infection around the site of his permanent chest wound?