
Name: Devin Clancy


devinclancy's Recent Comments
September 13, 2008 10:27 am How about DC justs acts like adults and prints the actual words.  All-Star batman is so clearly not a kid's comic and has tons of other mature subject matter that doesn't get blocked out that there shouldn't be a problem with this.  I got the hardcover and wondered why the profanity was blacked out there (only one or two words if I remember), not being sure if the actual issues are like that.  If we all know what it says under the #@$@ or black bars, what's the point of using them?
September 6, 2008 10:50 pm

West Side Comics was also my first comic store.  I can completely identify with the coolness of them having your file ready for you when you walked in.  My Mom had put forth a deposit to open the file when I was around 12 (one month's worth of books) and I kept it until a few weeks before leaving for college in 1992.  At some point in the late 80s, the store also started carrying VHS tapes, which they would deliver to nearby apartments.  I worked one night in the summer as their delivery boy, subbing for someone else and making $3 an hour to basically hang out and read comics until they needed a tape taken somewhere.

I believe the store closed right after I left for school and was gone by thanksgiving break. Big Apple and a couple other stores were also soon gone.

 Oh, and the first comic I ever bought was at that 79th st. newsstand.  It was a copy of V #5, from the TV series of the same name. 

 Great article about a great store.   -Devin