
Name: Tim Boysen


chimchimtim's Recent Comments
May 13, 2010 6:22 pm I'm curious if the last 2.99 holdouts could get a longer life from being a value book.  If I get an issue of Nova that wasn't my favorite I'm not going to drop it because it's not exactly breaking the bank. I'm not sure when the jump to everything at 3.99 will be but as long as the stragglers are left alone they might be able to hold onto a budget niche.
April 23, 2010 2:10 am His belt doesn't match his shoes.  I'm just throwing that out there.
April 20, 2010 5:30 pm No, Taskmaster. Really?
April 18, 2010 2:57 pm Someone needs to put this story in comic form.  Now, who draws good whales?