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Name: Charles Pritchett



charlesp1138's Recent Comments
January 13, 2011 3:25 pm Those gloves are... something.
December 23, 2010 1:49 pm I know I'm totally biased but I loved the Guilory incentive cover for the Dynamo 5 holiday special. Am I allowed to like it if I worked on it? That might be against the rules.
September 29, 2010 1:17 am

I said it 5 days ago, I'll say it now: comic books are damned expensive to make.

Getting rid of printing doesn't automagically make comic books cheaper because digital has other challenges that cost money that traditional print does not. Someone has to pay for bandwidth. Someone has to pay for the conversion process. Let alone no publisher makes 100% on what they publish through the 3rd party applications.

Maybe I should write an article on how much it costs to make a comic book and how hard it is to recoup costs in the end. Someone might have beaten me to that...

September 23, 2010 10:17 am Zayaz - As someone who's paid for professionally done comic books to be produced, I assure you, the PRINTING prices are the tiniest part of the big picture.
August 5, 2010 1:01 pm True Romance's Clarence is a character that while "socially inept" really is a great dude. Can't we be both?
July 8, 2010 9:56 am Random comment in which I appear to not understand sarcasm and then get angry about a humorous news story on a website dedicated to news about funnybooks!
June 28, 2010 9:40 am

 "Give me. A keg. Of beer."

Teen Wolf is one of my favourite movies of all time. No joke.

June 2, 2010 2:15 pm Is it too late to suggest a part for Nathan Fillion?
April 23, 2010 10:40 pm Congratulations JMS, you lost me way back when with Norman's "O" face and now you've brought me back around by making me cry on public transit.