
Name: Nathaniel Osterman


catawampus's Recent Comments
September 29, 2011 1:07 pm I like that the Grimes costume is just a normal sheriff costume with an axe. They could have at least bloodied it up or something.
September 29, 2011 1:04 pm This version of the Hulk looks like a guy who sold me shrooms once. In all seriousness though Jason Aaron's great and while I don't usually don't dig Silvestri's art what we're seeing in this preview pleasantly surprised me. I hope Aaron can work the same voodoo on the Hulk that he does on Wolverine.
September 1, 2011 12:54 pm I was probably way too young to see the movie when I did (12) but it really stuck with me. I didn't actually rad any of his work until the Best of collection was published and I've probably read that a hundred times since then. Pekar's work definitely hits me in the same place as Bukowski. It got this hard edged, raw honesty to it.
September 1, 2011 12:48 pm I suppose that's possible. Even if that is the case it still strike's me as unnatural. A normal person confronted by an exploding robot would probably say "It exploded". I still enjoyed the comic but that line just made me laugh.
August 31, 2011 5:51 pm The dialogue in this comic is surprisingly dumb. The best part is when Green lantern says that the robot "combusted into fire" as opposed to all those other robots that combust into maple syrup.