July 25, 2013 7:58 am I've thought about this a lot too. Why, in the Marvel universe, aren't there cults/churches to the Asgardians? Gods that actually exist?
Surely a world were gods actually, physically exists would massively change the whole world's belief structure.
November 8, 2012 9:40 am Actually gutted about this,I've never bothered with cancellations before, 'it's comics, it happens', but Hellblazer (and 2000AD) is what made me realise that comics weren't just for kids.
I don't really know what to say, it's a shame.
June 9, 2011 8:32 am DC titles have steadily fallen from my pull list in the last two years, but these Vertigo-esquetitles will almost all be getting at least the first arc of each added.
June 2, 2011 4:37 am If this works for DC (ad it will) then Marvel will soon follow suit, and that will make it easier for the smaller companies to go day-date digital. Looks like I'm saving up for an iPad. Any idea on how this will work for non-US downloads? In the UK we get issues on a Thursdays but I can imagine this could be huge news in plaes like Australia were they have a longer wait for issues.
November 30, 2010 4:14 am I think it may have been mentioned on here (I got it from somewhere), but there has to be some major religious differences in a world in which we KNOW gods exist.
There'd be more Norse god worshippers than any other
October 5, 2010 4:35 am @SkyDog - For 6 bucks. This 'douchey tripe' gives you full issues of Kick Ass 2, Turf, American Jesus (Clint 2), Nemesis and more. Not bad in my opinion
September 23, 2010 8:34 am As you now work for a digital company maybe you can answer this, is it difficult to get same day releses for digital books as paper?
Looks like I'm saving up for an iPad.
Any idea on how this will work for non-US downloads? In the UK we get issues on a Thursdays but I can imagine this could be huge news in plaes like Australia were they have a longer wait for issues.
There'd be more Norse god worshippers than any other