
Name: Robert Harding


bobby2889's Recent Comments
July 19, 2011 9:09 am heh oral tradition.

Anyway Im not too bothered about the retelling as I thought I might be as the tone really seems to be marking it as completely different enough that I can role with it. I dont mind the dark feel of it as Pete's personal life has always been en epic tragedy. It was only ever Pete in costume in that free persona as Spider-Man that gave it that contrasting lightness so I think it makes sense
July 18, 2011 7:34 am James C is a genuinally hilarious moron. I almost laughed my ass off listening to his drivel. Man gets carried away with a sideburn metaphor to the point it is no longer a metaphor lol
July 6, 2011 3:12 pm should we want people to get into comics: yes! Do we always actually want them to: not always, no. Cos we are people and by nature hypocritical at time.
July 5, 2011 2:55 pm Its not even that its poor Batman its more that it is poor stage action and coreography. The actors just are not coming across as honed in the art in anyway (they shift on their feet, the golden rule of theatre is every motion has to be in character and justified and if it is in role then it has to be grand. Little shifts to reposition themselves or whatever just break the already flimsy fourth wall). The coreography is one thing in terms of campness and out of characterness but as for theatre fight scenes its a major shame someone better didnt handle.
June 29, 2011 6:33 pm c'mon guys, quite clearly it is Antman:

And yes it very much is Captain Britain:

As for Black Vulcan I kinda feel it isnt but cant work out who.
June 23, 2011 1:42 pm Ok ResurrectionFlan needs an award. Stat. A great article and it seems some people replying missed the point and they echo voices I have heard many times. Some people are sayin 'yeah just cos they are some posers doesnt mean all hot people are posers' (or equivilants of that ilk). But the point is that, as others have pointed out, we are not (as much as we may dream of being) mind-readers. We do not know who is the poser. Better to assume everyone professing geekery is a geek and if they slip up then we give them more comics not out of arrogance and smugness but to help them really get into them as we are. I dont see why we have to have a hostile stance or even and innocent til proven guilty type of stance. How about lets assume the best and if people fall short help them onto the comic bandwagon. Cos damn its an endless wagon and its our job to not only get the people on it but to build the wagon bigger. We need to let it be something others want to join in. If your best buddy said you're lame for not liking comics but he'd never read one you'd be tempted to take him up on that. Doesn't mean he is a bad guy just misinformed. And in the reverse if he says they are awesome but doesnt really read them why not help his interested (feigned or not). Same with folks we don't know but we assume we can judge just because they are in the public eye
June 18, 2011 6:32 pm ^'WASNT' Hal as a character...
June 18, 2011 6:31 pm I think the main problem with the film was not the points you raised. I think the main problem with the film was that it was a bad film. No, thats was late. It missed the train that could have made it watchable. It felt very dated and either the people making it had watching no other superhero films or every single one of them. It was both superheroes by numbers and science fiction by numbers. It was disappointing. Not atrocious as some are saying it was simply too late. And, perhaps worst of all, the use of the ring just didnt work for me. Everytime the ring was used felt like a 'moment'. Something like 'HERE IS A CAR' 'NOW HERE IS A SWORD' rather than it being a fluid constant use of this ring's capabilities. It was Hal as a character, it wasnt anything internal to the narrative, it was the structure and nature of the thing as a film, I'd argue.
June 10, 2011 6:20 pm I only ever buy trades now (generally from Amazon) and I buy based on if the art and story are of top quality and that quite simply means people I think are in my top 5 or 10. Its personal choice. I also tend to buy things I think are somewhat definitive or have an enclosed story (and if not Ill buy the trades around it that I think are essential to understanding it) so that I can lend them to people and get them into comics. I think comic buying is two fold, early on its just what you like and later you end up buying what you like and what you think will help get friends to love them. Either way it is ultimately always about people's tastes.
June 8, 2011 4:35 pm have you guys read Ruins, the sort of alternate world versions of Marvels in which everything ruins. Just when you mentioned what SHOULD have happened to Banner made me think of that.

Other than that another ace podcast. Kinda suprised you never covered this before. Y' in episode 1 or something lol