
Name: Robert Harding


bobby2889's Recent Comments
September 8, 2011 2:14 pm heard really mixed things about 'Tec. Action however I really liked and kinda wish it was an ongoing in that era. Morrison has some out there ideas but damn he gets comic books.
September 8, 2011 2:12 pm Ok so I get the need to identify but I thought Animal-Man, which I just read, did it cleverly. We didnt know his origins really, and I never questioned it (and Im not a big geek when it comes to A. I think it has something to do with aliens or Anasi. So I guess best skipped anyway). I dont think they ever directly explained his exact power set or how it works. I think you can allude things or have people explain them in better ways than occured in those early pages. But like I said I havent read it and hate being the ranting forum nerd. But I do think it seemed a little well...90s? Just reminded me of some comic-book tropes that I dont think always need adhering to.
September 8, 2011 10:51 am It physically pained me to read previews of Stormwatch. It felt far more like it was trying to be Authority than Stormwatch which in my mind was a bad move. Authority faltered, in my opinion, since the Millar/Quitely era and it lost those central themes that made it what it was. It also lost the writing quality and after that it stopped being Authority and felt like a book desperatly trying to sound like Authority but not having the authority (heh) of voice to convincingly pull of the points it wanted to make without sounded forced and cliched. This book sadly was Authority post-quality. Art was lame and, keep in mind I only read previews, the writing seemed weak. Now it may be only cos I've seen the first few pages (which I conceed is not a good basis for a review) however lines such as 'I am not a superhero!' seem to overt. 'You wont catch me in a cape' was painful. Also there is no need for everyone to say people's codename's the first time said person is addressed. Or for that name to be in bold. People aren't thick. They will get it if you tell it organically. And things such as 'okay. this is me contacting the alien language processing lobe that got lodged in my brain' are like being hit by a freight train of unnecessary exposition. I just wish it could have been the return to glory I was desperately hoping, and partially doubting, it would be.
September 1, 2011 6:07 pm hilarious and nice to see a broad spectrum of style and skill
August 26, 2011 9:11 pm Josh is fast become the most sound voice of reason on this site. Maybe its cos I aint the sideburns or bald (yet) guy but I am the glasses dude so I have a bias. That said this post was genius but not quite on par with the level of repartee going on down here in comments. I like a man who has the decency to respond to the people who clearly read and entire article while apparently asleep and took in 0% of the actual content or else decided it would be fun to pretend that is the case. Anyway this was fun and what I took away is: Josh has out-right refused to ever comment upon people reading indie books and this is infuriating, Josh is clealry an idiot for trying to pretend he isn't an idiot-I mean who can like something and not admit to liking every existing every iteration of said thing. Surely having judgement and dissernment but still having the ability to say you like an ideal more than practical execution of said ideal is the very definition of blind loyalty. And also resturant analogies are obviously the most pressing and central issue of an article and other information ought to be swiftly disgarged for the in-depth analysis thereof.
August 11, 2011 12:49 pm @josh I'm writing prose not comics. Comics seems like hell to write. I just meant its cool to see a guy in a professional setting surrounded by guys who've been doing it a while saying 'hey this is what I've had to learn all of a sudden'.

lol that said screenplays sound bloody awful too
August 11, 2011 10:00 am My favourite thing about this was hearing someone discussing a very recent learning curve. Alot of writers around have been working on it a while and are in their stride and their learning curves are more issues of tightening up a style for a specific book. As someone who writes and is trying to do so professionally its encouraging to hear someone working in a major media industry (Wossy) talking about his recent experiences. Its just a new kind of interview
August 5, 2011 1:33 pm I just dont get why you wouldn't read the hell out of a story you love. Again and again. Thats the first point. I'm anal with stuff I like but I keep them neatly on a shelf (usually trades to be fair) and they are in quite good condition. The ones that aren't? Who cares, I buy them based on quality meaning I don't have any intention of giving them away or selling them so its only me who has to live with them being worn and I think wear and tear is the sign of something worthwhile. And unless you live in a tornado hot spot (like Josh said) its unlikely wear and tear will be more than a crease on a spine or a crinkle on a page. A coffee/tea splash at worst. I love them enough to be careful with them when reading them and that saves me a lot of hastle.
August 3, 2011 6:49 pm 'physical role' seems a weird choice. Maybe he becomes a Lobster Johnson for Abe and the B.P.R.D? Maybe as a comic fan I read way too much into everything? Either way I'm kinda glad. I like an ongoing serial but to me Hellboy was not made to be that. He works best in trades and when read with the same level of care giving to a peice of high quality artist literature as he is written with that same care. For he is just that. For me I like a closed narrative, or a linear narrative. He needed a beginning middle and end to enjoy his arc and I'm really glad we can now have the life and times of Big Red as a set staple set by Mignola himself
July 26, 2011 7:39 am I'd argue have Winter Soldier be not only the pawn of the Russians but have his Russian commanders in the grip of the modern day Hydra (but even more secretive-even from SHIELD). This could utilise Madame Hydra and maybe Crossbones as an enforcer?