
Name: Robert Harding


bobby2889's Recent Comments
September 28, 2011 12:41 pm I think the Ground Sloth is legitimate genius. I'd throw in summoning and controlling hordes of naked mole rates into the last girl's set of powers, probably as the primary one; ala Vermin. The first two strike me as a little bit more on the side of GLA. Oooh maybe this whole team should be the Great Lakes Defenders?
September 27, 2011 5:48 pm I tend to buy trades I think are superb and that I can lend to freinds and say read this standalone story that nicely sums up these characters and has a great contained story. If it doesnt have a contained story Ill buy relevant and equally great sequel or prequel trades so they can get the feeling of an ongoing serial. I mention this as I have collected Civil War and Dark Reign and the first issue of New Avengers going into the Heroic Age that starred Ultron breifly. I was also thinking of getting that first volume of Avengers where they get sucked into the future conflict between Kang and Ultron. I only got the New Avengers single issue in the same way I got Decimation. It wrapped up one age and led swiftly into the next (the New Avengers issue closed Dark Reign and showed Cap Steve formulating the Avengers teams). I only was gonna get the Avengers trade by Bendis and JRR as it seemed like the nice, closed, character focused stories I like sharing. Now I know this series is coming out that ties together these Ultron themes and plots (one can assume) Im gonna give it a read and...lets be honest here...Im likely to buy this in trade. And I gotta say...Im very excited.
September 25, 2011 5:30 pm my only real issues is that people were pretending it was liberating. If they never said that and just said this is the same old, same old comics for wish-fulfillment and hadn't bough it up as being feminist then no-one would care.
September 25, 2011 5:16 pm I still have general issues withe the comic portrayal of solely sexy women, as in you can be strong and sexy and go after what you want...but we only show Starfire and Catwoman cos thats what DUDES want. I gets that what sells and isn't new but I've always had issues with it. But not wanting to stir that old pot of crazy stew again I liked alot of the books on sale this week and thought it was pretty good.
September 25, 2011 5:02 pm The first panel is pure and simple, subtle satire which requires a more internal knowing smirk at the truth of a matter being exposed. Whether that worked for you is a personal thing but I don't think its meant to be laugh out loud. The second is more observational comedy which is more for the outward smirk though I'd argue in this particular case it isn't really laugh out loud.
September 25, 2011 11:24 am As much as I tried to defend the Sentry (who Im not saying isnt a flawed character) Conor's comment was sheer brilliance
September 23, 2011 3:30 pm Doom Patrol and Fuji ideas I really like. To be honest if Plantery ideas did ever come back to the mind of Mr. Ellis (though Im sure there are at least a few knocking are in there still) he and Cassaday should collaberatively work on them but it should remain (for all intents and purposes) outside of the DCU. It just works better that way I think. The batman crossover was fun but it is a mythos all its own.
September 23, 2011 2:25 pm Screw it I'm finally going to say it. Hell, I'm going to shout it: I LIKE SENTRY! I don't get the hate. Yeah he isn't my favourite character but I have nothing against him. He was overused once he got 're-introduced' in New Avengers but in that original mini I liked him and I did like the idea of a power-house who was utterly nuts. He was by no means the worst or most annoying thing Marvel has created. Was it just cos people felt cheated by his faux-Golden Age origins, which I think was quite a clever campaign. Are people just grumpy for being made to feel stupid by buying into it? Admittedly this is a tad off-piste. Other than that- I love the Doctor. He should only be written by Ellis and Miller. Like the rest of the Authority. I have early-Authority based fanboyism.
September 21, 2011 8:17 am I was really paying attention to this article and was scanning the so excited that there might be a Luther series lol Anyway really nice collection here, much better when you pay attention a second time
September 18, 2011 7:06 pm you know what just hit me? How much I want ot see hthis as an animated short every week. In the style of the Ricky Gervais Show Tv series. An animated adaptation of an entertaining podcast.