
Name: Robert Harding


bobby2889's Recent Comments
October 2, 2011 3:53 pm I don't understand how someone's review of a book could be interpreted as anything BUT an opinion. I mean if he is analysing something then HE is analysing something. Its just what a review means. I mean it makes no sense to expect anything else or go into it with anyother mind set
October 2, 2011 9:49 am free comics for under 14s rule in all comic book stores is now in effect per my command!
October 2, 2011 9:40 am You're damn right and Im Im not arguing with any of that. But where was the push for those books. Why not Vertigo publicity? See to me those seem the best books to hook people into comics with and yet they are still the niche, cult status books. I do love some of those titles and as a massive Gaiman fan i really need to get into Sandman. I simply couldnt think of them due to it being very late and being full of cider. P.S something can never be TOO metaphysical lol
October 1, 2011 7:24 pm Where are the non-superhero-non-traditional comics is what I've been thinking for a while now. Where is DC's Walking Dead? Its Promethea? (admittedly superhero but still...non traditional). Damn this is how entrenched I am in the current status quo i cant think of any non-conformist books other than these. Thing is I'm not sick of superhero comics....but I feel myself getting there. Or at least I want more. Sure I pick up something indie that you guys recommend now and then and having just got engaged I'm thinking the little hardback book about engagement (I forget the name right now) might be a cute present for my fiancee. But why isn't one of the biggest company's using this perfect time to launch titles for those who don't go into comic shops? Books they could potentially put in specific stores-not even bookshops but wedding outlets (using the aforementioned hardback as the example again). They only rebooted characters and timeframe not the company or its output. I wanted books outside of the DCU or at least things that could exist without necessary crossover. Not to say crossover doesnt help show people the fun of superheroes but we shouldn't have to rely on the same old same old to sell the book. A crime book without Batman is a great way of putting that yearning I have. Something good-set wherever-works on its own merit without cameo novelty. I think Marvel with its idea of publishing novels into graphic novel format is clever. It isnt marketed well, they arent sold alongside the writing prose versions however THAT is something DC could have tried. Not how Marvel is doing it but make a thing of it. Fresh original stories by big names and maybe anthologies of short stories by lesser knowns. I'd pick up every single one of those. You start appealing to the literary crowd who otherwise scowl at comics. I know, I do an English degree. They do. I also know however many would pick up an illustrated anthology. I'm not saying these are the examples to use, Im not saying I've not had two beers tonight and cant think amazingly-that would be a lie. My point is think otuside the box you big, silly companies. If Im a diehard superhero fan and I want fresh meat who do you think you are winning?
September 29, 2011 2:07 pm Ok DC is rocking this team. As far as I understood Ground Sloth was literally just a giant talking ground sloth. And I pictured the naked mole rat character as the non-costume urban hero type: like Jubilee or Jack know...if you were thinking of doing more :-p
September 29, 2011 5:16 am Why do people hate Loeb so much. Yes Ultimates 3 was horrible but any big name is going to make something that, due to his own vision, takes the title way off track from what works. But Batman: Hush, Long Halloween/Dark Victory, Spider-Man: Blue, Ultimate X, Hulk stuff was all really good stuff. The first three I mentioned are some of the best and most quintessential work done on Batman in my opinion. The man can write. Sometimes he is just writing books to be fun and nothing more, which is fine (and alot of folks complain there isn't enough of). Im not by any means a Loeb-ite...or really an anyone-ite it just so happens that some of my favourite books are by him which the content thereof indicates to me the man has skill and is good at what he does. Doesn't mean he doesn't make mistakes. He has sadly become victim of fanboy/creator demonisation
September 29, 2011 5:07 am Oh please please design the whole team
September 28, 2011 2:50 pm P.S doesn't Poitr sculpt too? That might be a nice touch.
September 28, 2011 2:50 pm Jean is an infinitely more powerful character dead (I mean storytelling wise not Phoenix-power related) and this is testament to the power she has on those two men. Also I think the Avengers statues are made by Alicia Masters.
September 28, 2011 12:45 pm @nudebuddah: