
Name: Robert Harding


bobby2889's Recent Comments
October 20, 2011 2:20 pm yeah me either. clicking the 'x' just makes an eternally spinning logo appear. teases!
October 20, 2011 1:55 pm I thought the film was fairly flawless as an adaptation and the Catwoman short was cool, look forward to hearing your reviews
October 13, 2011 10:44 am Ha! Awesome and creepy as hell! You should do some of the iFanboy Trinity and try n get them about the site as mascots lol
October 12, 2011 1:59 pm Immortal Jellyfish? Axolotl? Pistol Shrimp? The underwater world is full of weird ass animals lol Cordyceps though have got to be the big bad unstoppable disease of this universe. Imagine if they infected humans. That would be the token hero/villain team-up that is required to stop an unbeatable, world threatening threat. Dunno what cordyceps are? Check out this horror: The villains here though are truly intriguing and more than a tad creepy. DC we are looking at you, kid lol
October 11, 2011 5:25 pm I think it was more the sarcastic, accusatory...possibly arrogant, 'semi-attack you retaliated to Theoran with. To be fair to you I think you maybe misunderstood his point. But to be equally fair to everyone else you then employed the same tone to react to Josh. Though again to be fair to you I'm pretty much employing that same tone now. Everybody understand everbody? Cool. Done and done.
October 10, 2011 5:44 pm ... 012456.jpg" target="_blank" target="_blank ... 674778.jpg" target="_blank" target="_blank ... aser_D.jpg I kinda am thinking along the lines of another Bradley but that family is getting constantly extended and losing its special appeal a little (even if Eli and Isaiah are great). Still not sure how that would tie to being most wanted either. However if this does tie into the 'What if there was more than one' teaser could mean he is gonna be a new Captain America. Makes sense with him being in the military and such. Hence the being targeted by both Bullseye, Taskmaster and possibly Deadpool(undersomeone's bidding-maybe a Winter Soldier tie here for those who prescribe to that theory) for what he represents or could represent and what is in his blood. And as he is a Bradley Captain America is therefore being let know about him due to ties and also as it might be in Cap's interests to protect him. So the background images and post-its represent more about who the files are addressed to and how the characters will react to this character rather than tell us anything directly about the character himself. We are to make conclusions based on people's reactions to this kind of person cropping up which is a bit cleverer than Marvel recent spate of blacked out teasers. Yeah my money is for now on 'the grandson/son/brother of Isaiah/Josiah/Elijah Bradley' respectively.
October 9, 2011 7:48 pm Two Avengers paychecks
October 7, 2011 7:49 pm I've cosplayed once outside of a party. I went to a con. As Superboy. And I deeply regretted that I'd opted out of 'a real costume'. And you know what? My fiance doesnt get into comics alot but she like superheroes. And Star Trek. She is not a geek in the same manner as me. But my point is this: she suggested we dress up next year. Damn if a hot girl Im gonna marry says dress up then screw it I dont give a damn what anyone else thinks. So next year Im going the whole hog. And people will snigger possibly but really...Im going to a comic and film convention. I've already accepted one form of social judgement. Having lept that hurdle does anymore really even count.
October 3, 2011 9:52 am This is so funny cos for a long time I've thought this would be a great concept for a show I'd love to watch and definitely agree it needs to be very urban and grounded (in the same way I think an NYX/X-Factor Investigations/District X show should be made and feel like the Wire not Heroes or Smallville). I'd always thought a great running joke would be Rand referencing his Iron Fist and that he plunged it into the heart of a dragon and now its indestructible and NOBODY would believe him. And the fact he doesnt often have to tap into that force means everybody doubts this is true even more until he whips it out of the bag one day. Personally I'd throw Shang-Chi into the mix and use his Ultimate Marvel Team Up story and costuming (or lack of) as a very precise ancient martial arts master trained to be his father's ultimate enforcer by a myriad of sensis compared to Rand who has adopted a street brawler/KFM/kick-boxing style. The joke always being that one thinks they are better than the other.
October 2, 2011 5:46 pm While I see your point I heartily disagree. I think comics have the same potential of any storytelling medium it just desperately needs a new view point. It needs new life and to be a thing of its own rather than so entirely dominated by the superhero (which I love btw). I know people who will buy a comic if its something they like from outward mediums and personal sensibilities. Because if they read they read. If they don't give em something not wordy. That's the beautiful relationship of books and pictures. I think they can be very limitless in potential. The ifanboy podcast about all-age comics really bought that home for me