
Name: Robert Harding


bobby2889's Recent Comments
October 27, 2011 12:31 pm Also on that note by simply wearing black, buying a headband with furry ears on it and then drawing whiskers on your face and colouring your nose black you are not, I repeat NOT, in anyway Catwoman!
October 27, 2011 12:18 pm Nothing grates me more than poor costumes. Maybe we are sad and need more lives. I turned up to a party recently as the Riddler. It wasn't an official costume by any means but it was chosen from various incarnations I like and it was clearly something Nygma would wear (white shirt, green waistcoat, green bowler, dark suit, purple tie and gloves a cane and green 'John Lennon' glasses). A character who wears regular clothing I think can be toyed with more than one who always wears a costume and I thought this was a good move and I could actually look cool as well as semi-accurate. In recent years I've gone as DK Joker (and I hated the look that the hours of frustration resulted in). What got me most though was that both time people seemed to be amazed at 'how good it looked'. I should have taken it as a compliment and left it at that I know but I couldn't help but think 'thats only cos you didn't put the effort it'. Hi, I'm Rob and I'm a fancy-dress snob.
October 23, 2011 2:42 pm bullying is choosing to do things that have the very, real potential to be harmful with no good reason.
October 21, 2011 7:35 pm P.S sorry about the appalling grammar and spelling. we need an edit button
October 21, 2011 7:27 pm Ok while I agree that insulting a guy back for saying horrible things is no better I have to disagree with comicbooknoitall on one simple point: people have emotions. Yes you can pick yourself up and yes afterward you can say I'm gonna get on living my life. But that doesn't it was okay for someone to hurt them in the first place. Saying we shouldn't care is like saying to your kid who got bullied in the playground 'whats wrong with you, pull yourself together'. Emotional responses are good and healthy and normal. Being hurt by abuse isn't bad its the abuse that is. Yes you can be made stronger, if by stronger you mean harder and less emotionally open (which isn't stronger but whatever), but that IS NOT THE POINT. People's initial reactions to this, mine included, were one of 'this is wrong' but expressed through unnecessary angry and name calling. And yes bullying takes many forms and we can be jokey without realising it hurts but that doesn't make it okay. Telling someone to grow a pair is a prime example. Its emasculating. Same as telling people of any size they aren't a normal example of humanity. I'm uber skinner and weirdly get the same, though thankfully not in a hateful way that hurts but jokingly and infrequently but you see my point. I think the phrase 'getting your panties in a twist' has become a blanket term for people getting passionately upset about any topic they have a real moral objection too. You wouldn't call a civil rights activist someone who was just 'getting their panties in a twist'. Bullying is wrong, by this guy or us or anyone. We should not encourage people to become insensitive. Know I no of no examples where by people have been upset by this directly but it is irrelevant. Its a mindset that should never, EVER be tolerated that an individual person is open to ridicule. You want to pick at a belief system? Okay be my guest. I may take issue or disagree but that's okay, we can work through it. Don't like a way of government? Satire away. Gonna post a picture of a specific person you saw with a 'witty' (but poor from any comedic standpoint) comment and a snide remark? That is picking out and bullying someone on personal qualities. Whether that specific person has insecurities or was hurt is irrelevant. People should speak up. You've heard so much stuff you block it out? That's cool for you. Whether you really don't care or have decided its pointless to dwell on it is another matter. One seems slightly inhuman the other logical. But you can't say some people DO get upset. This is fine. We cannot measure other people's pain to our own as we do not know them or their personal lives. If someone says they don't like your taste in music and you do cry maybe someone should bring you along side and say 'Come on, you need to work on this.' Saying 'why do you care?' and telling those who do care that person is upset that they are 'crybabies' is still bullying. It neglects that people are people. This is what we are debating. The devaluation of humans as thinking, emoting individuals. That is what this man has done. That is why it is wrong. It is a subtle form of dehumanization for a cheap joke. The person stops being a person and becomes a punchline. This is wrong. This should be spoke out against. Disagree with me? Okay. Call me names back (while judging those who do for being judgmental) ok I can live with that. Not gonna care about the very idea of making fun of an individual person? That I have issue with. This isn't a question of censorship or what is funny either. Let's not start that. As far as I'm concerned all topics are open for comedy. Comedy should be able to make us think and laugh about the stuff that would other wise make us cry. All topics are open for ridicule. Persons never should be. Sorry bout the length.
October 21, 2011 4:39 pm indeed it is. He is limited to wearing it for a 24 hour period (correct me if I'm wrong on that) because after that it begins to bond. If he keeps his cool during that time it doesn't 'monster out' and he can keep full control of it and thus can mold it into a suitable form i.e. black ops gear with a Brockian theme
October 21, 2011 11:44 am apologies. My sense of humour is...warped
October 21, 2011 11:35 am Another big finger we could give to him would be to smother him in his sleep
October 20, 2011 8:35 pm podcasts dont seem to be loading to well at all today
October 20, 2011 2:26 pm Bryan Cranston read it exactly as I read Gordon in the book. In fact I think everyone did. It was pretty much my interpretation of the book bought to life.