
Name: Robert Harding


bobby2889's Recent Comments
November 7, 2011 10:09 am Never read it but just from the brief synopsis and casting I would so watch this film.
November 3, 2011 8:27 pm Winter Soldier as a name now seems a little irrelevant seeing as how he is no longer a Russian agent. I mean it sounds decidedly Cold War and fairly Soviet to me. I wish they slapped three white and two red stripes onto his lower torso below that belt and just called him U.S.Agent. That seems a perfectly sensible notion and a great re-use of the name. Other than that this seems to be regular comics fare to me.
November 2, 2011 9:30 pm poetry. Apparently somebody decided this really isn't cool. They are bloody wrong.
October 30, 2011 11:48 am Ah i didnt realise this was hero and design based. I simply thought it was to write a new character in a prose format and didn't realise it was meant to be hero/comic based. None the less I may try to do it as a prose thing.
October 28, 2011 8:56 pm we live in the 90s
October 28, 2011 4:12 pm add a 'like' button guys
October 28, 2011 3:16 pm its not about meanness. Like Josh said if you're here you must have a critical approach to the art and construction of comics and its more about approaching that from the most educated and effective standpoints, which include awareness of the people behind the creative process and what they've done.
October 28, 2011 3:14 pm I don't mind a bit of biting witty sarcasm. If the argument is well constructed I would prefer this over 'sucks'. Its a shame rhetoric isn't taught much these days as a clever and sarcastic analysis often makes a point more than a broad but undefined statement. Not to say you can't have an opinion but I'm reticent to believe someone has thought through an opinion if they can't explain themselves and if they haven't thought threw it I'm even more reticent to take it on board. The point in that is that if you can be witty and sarcastic or at least clear and rhetorical about a piece of work then you hopefully have enough linguistic creativity to not merely tear down a creator with unfounded insults as you hopefully can find better ways to make an argument. On one hand if you really feel strongly then present it in a way to get people to understand and you may win over some supporters. On top of which I agree we can't just put down creators or neglect any inherent skill or effort in a piece of work we don't like. Like Josh said someone worked on that and you kinda have to at least consider what they were trying to do or say. Also if someone does say something it is an opinion. There are rarely any singular truths to be said. There is a difference between someone saying 'this was not good' and it being a clear opinion and them saying 'try to be more open minded'. I think one is clearly to be taken with a grain of salt and the other is advice that is not ever invalid.
October 28, 2011 8:07 am I've never cosplayed at a convention. I'm not a 'cosplayer' but I do like fancy dress. Cosplaying isnt really a thing as much this side of the pond. If I don't have cash I chuck on my blue jeans and Superboy T-shirt and its legit. I know not everyone knows the widest array of characters or care as much. however they do not need to. People are allowed to be different and that's fine. Still it irks me which I know is irrational and I'm not saying I'm right I was just trying to express my opinion which is what Molly is doing. Plus her opinion may not be the same as everyone's on the website so to address it as being written by 'iFanboy' seems a little odd. Its a genuine person's thoughts about Halloween and I thought it was interesting to hear and connect with those feelings, as slightly unbalanced as they may be.