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Name: Aurelien Gaillard


aurgail's Recent Comments
July 17, 2017 3:04 pm To answer Peter's question about superheroes on the ground level, I would second Hitman, Kev, Checkmate and Alias. Kurt Busiek's work also fits that category: Marvels but also a lot of Astro City stories (issue 1/2, The Nearness of You, is a perfect example and free on Comixology) and, less famous, his and Tom Grummett's Power Company which was a fun look at classic superheroes run as a company. Two of my favorite Wildtorm series could also fit: First, Wildcats vol.2 and 3.0. The Wildcats as noir, and the Wildcats as a corporation. Superheores won't save the world, but maybe free batteries will. Casey on writing, Phillips and Nguyen on art. Second, Sleeper, which is about super-villains and an undercover agent among them. Brubaker and Phillips. If you love Gotham Central, this makes sense. Last but not least, Spider-Man's Tangled Web just came out as a small omnibus and is a series of short stories by great creators about Peter Parker's friends and foes: Greg Rucka and Eduardo Risso on the Kingpin, Peter Milligan and Duncan Fregedo on the Rhino, Garth Ennis and John McCrae, Paul Pope, Darwyn Cooke, Sean Phillips, Brian Azzarello, Ted McKeever, Jim Mahfood... and there's even a Tombstone two-parter by Daniel Way and Leandro Fernandez. I usually hate Way's writing but I thought this was pretty decent (Tombstone's in prison, he has to escape by outthinking and being more ruthless than everybody else) and it looks damn great.
August 29, 2015 5:26 am Here's the book I think Josh and Connor should try: Uber. Yes, I know, it's Avatar,and the art is not the best, and you just did a whole bit about why you don't read Avatar books... (I still think you're wrong about that first Crossed story at least, which is basically Garth Ennis doing The Road, not SO shocking and a very moral story. Also Spurrier's books). BUT UBER is mostly Kieron Gilen crafting a fascinating, thoroughly researched, World War 2 alternate history, full of fascinating characters, real or invented for his story. That's the Kieron Gilen I think you want: all the smartness and the talent, no music, lots of history geekery. There's gore, but not very much more than in War Stories or, I don't know, Preacher, and it is definitely appropriate for the subject matter. Basically, you were such fans of The Royals: Masters of War that I don't know why you're not already reading it. And come on, it would be an excuse to do War Corner EVERY MONTH!
February 17, 2015 2:25 pm Great show! Josh: I just wanted to let you know that DC did release the end of Hitman in TPBs a couple of years back. They rereleased the first 4 and then published 3 giant trades for like $30 each that go all the way to the JLA/Hitman mini. So use that iFanboy Amazon link and go to town before the Section 8 miniseries comes out!
March 29, 2014 5:47 am You have to buy them on Etsy as the issues come out, it's pretty much the only way. I know there's a comic store that then prints compendiums, something like three issues at a time I missed out on issue 3 on I haven't been able to find it since. It's a bit of a pain in the ass, but it also makes it special in a way. Makes it feel special in this world of reprints and digital day-and-date, a return to the great hunt, a little bit like when I had to track down every isssue of Ostrander's Suicide Squad, which makes it perfectly fitting. Anyway, season 2 is going to start soon with issue 13, so there's your chance.
March 24, 2014 5:52 pm Here's my two-cents: Best-non DC superhero books being published right now: Harbinger, Sex, Danger Club, Copra (self-published, super-indie take on Ostrander's Suicide Squad), BPRD kind of, Archer and Armstrong. The Bounce, Luther Strode and The Last of the Greats are well-liked but I haven't read them. If we're talking hall of fame,: Irredeemable . Astro City started off at Image and pre-DC Wildstorm so it should count. Grant Morrison's Zenith. The Boys, which is a f-ed up superhero story famously mostly not published by DC. It's easy to get grossed out and give up on the book, but it's worth sticking around. And The Spirit of course.
June 25, 2013 5:17 am Now I understand why the last few weeks have been so light. Everything's coming out this week! I have 12 books and 1 trade this week. And I counted, if I picked up issues of all books I read as trades (Marvel books + The Unwritten), it would be 26. 26! ANGEL & FAITH #23 FATALE #15 HAWKEYE #11 JUPITERS LEGACY #2 (COVER A: QUITELY) LAZARUS #1 MIND MGMT #12 PROPHET #36 SEX #4 STAR WARS: LEGACY #4 THE MASSIVE #13 THE WAKE #2 UNCANNY #1 WOLVERINE AND THE X-MEN BY JASON AARON, VOL 05 TP I've been looking forward to Lazarus for months. Two of my very favorite creators creating a world together. I'm sure it will be great.
June 18, 2013 12:21 am BLOODSHOT #12 CONAN THE BARBARIAN #17 HARBINGER #13 THE SIXTH GUN #32 THE SIXTH GUN: SONS OF THE GUN #4 BQ: I bought Before Sunrise and Before Sunset on DVD to prepare for the 3rd movie.
June 18, 2013 12:13 am Not only that but Marvel comics are already reprinted and translated in all of those countries. So the only information here is that it's a worldwide release date, and I have to say I don't see the point when they have to be 6 months behind on all the other books.
June 11, 2013 12:45 am BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER: SEASON 9 #22 HARBINGER WARS #3 SUICIDE SQUAD #21 THE MANHATTAN PROJECTS #12 THE TRUE LIVES OF THE FABULOUS KILLJOYS #1 THE WALKING DEAD #111 and I'll pick up STORMWATCH, VOL 02 HC at some point. BQ: Billy Wilder movies. Watching a bunch of them and reading Cameron Crowe's Conversations with Billy Wilder.
May 21, 2013 12:39 am I'm going to echo a lot of what others have said before, and then try to get out of the box. If you want sci-fi/superheroes done a little differently, Valiant's Harbinger and Bloodshot have been pretty great. Bloodshot is crazy balls to the walls action with a sci-fi angle, reads like a Swierczynski novel, and Harbinger is weird enough to be interesting, and manages to say relevant about being young today. If you like Marvel's Annihilation stuff, Boom's Hypernaturals is basically DnA doing thir thing, but in their own universe. Over at Oni, 6 Guns (gorgeous book) and Stumptown (Greg Rucka, 'nuff said) are well worth a read. Vertigo's The Unwritten continues to amaze with every reading. Dark Horse's crown jewel is Mind Mgmt, it's been covered extensively on the site, no need to go into it. Image has a lot of great books you're probably aware of (Saga, Fatale, Manhattan Projects...). One that I've never seen discussed on the site is Danger Zone. What if all the super-heroes disappeared and left their sidekicks alone, drifting in a broken world. What if an even more badass Robin led the Teen Titans (Danger Club) to fight a government gone wrong. As far as digital comics go, I like Monkeybrain's Wander (post-modern fantasy) and Frost (military-style action). Adrian Tomine's Scenes from an Impending Marriage is highly recommended. If you want to stretch beyond American comics, anything by Christophe Blain, Joann Sfar and Lewis Trondheim is recommended. they are French masters. Dungeon and Ralph Azham are both great fantasy, but a unique, fun tone. The Rabbi's cat is as smart as anything. Finally, I've been reading Tezuka's manga, and it's just amazing. Ayako is the fed-up story of a family in post-war Japan. As adult as they come. And Black Jack are fun short stories about a dashing doctor anti-hero. You won't be able to stop.