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Name: Amir Cat




Most fun book at DC Comics, bar none! It doesn’t hurt that Azzarello is doing his best work and Cliff…

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This book is worth every penny. Great art, colors, and really intriguing story. Even the lettering kicks ass! I’m not…

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I always pick up Joe Casey comics. He is different. Some of my favorite Casey comics are Butcher Baker, Godland,…

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amircat's Recent Comments
March 15, 2013 5:10 pm @Drumanespic - I just woke up from my dragon orgy trance, so sorry about the late response. But no I didn't know that, well I know now, cause a little elf-warrior told me shortly after I finished reading the last page.
March 15, 2013 1:10 pm I'm having a hard time keeping track of which person has which mutation. Which one is the monster guy? I guess I'l have to go back to read books again.
March 13, 2013 1:34 pm Black Bat with Brian Buccellato and Ronan Cliquet is gonna be coming out this year. :) http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=article&id=43746 Black Bat Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Black_Bat
March 13, 2013 11:56 am http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yG07WSu7Q9w
March 12, 2013 4:42 pm It makes sense having a guy named Butch draw the origin of the "God Butcher"
March 12, 2013 4:41 pm She saved Batman's life ... without her ... that's enough. You don't have to have a character around for long to be a GREAT character. IMHO
March 12, 2013 3:11 pm He's going to be doing X-Files with IDW with Joe Harris & Jordie Bellaire. One of my favorite artists and he is a super nice guy too. This is a sketch he did of Galactus for me: https://twitter.com/comicbookamir/status/259677698803261441/photo/1
March 12, 2013 1:46 am @USPUNX - Yeah, but it's not in continuity. If I remember correctly, in Moon Knight #8 volume 3, they mention both his balls are the same size. Unless Marvel Now somehow retconned that fact about his balls, then I dont like it.
March 11, 2013 4:49 pm Most likely something really gross, but it's been very fun!
March 11, 2013 4:45 pm I don't take drugs, so I don't completely understand what is going on in this comic, but still am enjoying it.