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Name: Alan OrdoƱa

Bio: Teaches the subject Art to middle schoolers. Started a comic book club there to introduce comics to potential new readers for two years, but did not get the response I was looking for. As a comic book collector and reader. Is currently making the switch from print to digital to save space, only to collect key and important issues.


alanfrancis's Recent Comments
February 28, 2013 12:02 am Alright... so where are they going to go with this?
February 22, 2013 12:41 am I really enjoyed this issue a lot and waiting to see where this series goes. As a DC reader who has been down these days (and wondered more towards the Marvel side), I found this story to a bit "refreshed' and a different take than the other 52 type books I've tried. It does has similarities to be a bit like the JLU animated storyline, but the themes hold true. If there are a Super Powered team in the world today, there definitely would have to be a government response. "Geoff, where are you going to take us with JLA?"
July 18, 2012 12:27 pm I finally caught up with The Walking Dead series, due to part with an amazing sale on the comics digital app. I read on from vol. 15 to issue #99 and picked up a print copy of issue #100... and all I gotta say is "daayam!"
July 18, 2012 12:23 am Your review "hit" all the nails on the head about this series. I too felt the losses of the other characters in this book as "that sucks!" then moved on. But when Glenn was... well let's say I too thought about it a couple days after reading the issue. Your review stole my thoughts right out of my head.