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Name: Andrew Gaboury




This is how you use different artists. The scenes with Hal in the limbo-like plane of existence are drawn markedly…

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I liked this issue and I like where Lemire is taking this Green Arrow. We’re light years away from the…

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I’ve liked Earth 2 since it started and because I’m pretty unfamiliar with the Justice Society in general I’ve been…

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agaboury's Recent Comments
March 5, 2013 9:15 pm @deepspacesamurai I don't think the term "outspoken bigot" is inappropriate in this case. Card is very outspoken, he leads an organization dedicated to curtailing gay rights and speaks all over the country in support of his views. And the definition of a bigot is someone that treats members of a group with hatred or intolerance. Card does not tolerate gays or their right to equality in American society. Your problem shouldn't be that people call him an outspoken bigot, but rather that he actually is one. And as for why comments get turned off, I think it's because the political discussion veers away from the relevant topic. In this case, Card is a political figure fighting for a policy position. He uses his money to advocate for a position that many people vehemently oppose. Your hypothetical boycotts don't work because I think by and large most comic readers trend left rather than right politically. That's why this matter has gotten so much attention.
February 27, 2013 8:52 pm I like Cooper as Norman Osborn but man this cast is getting pretty big. Shades of Spiderman 3?
February 22, 2013 2:57 pm Best part is Hal Jordan's email address and the fact the Firestorm as "hot"mail.
February 4, 2013 3:53 pm I demand a regression analysis of comic readers vs general population of internet users or this entire thing is a fraud.
January 24, 2013 9:06 am I read "Flake off, Superman!" totally differently.
January 14, 2013 3:49 pm If a petition to build a Death Star can't get enough traction to make that happen, I don't think Marvel will blanch at a few people upset over Avengers Arena.
January 7, 2013 4:28 pm With decades of stories on these characters its tough to get new ideas and concepts. I like that Marvel is trying something new even if its not necessarily my cup of tea. But the reflexive hatred to novelty is off putting. Its not for nothing that the image of comic fans in the wider world is of the collector, meticulously preserving stories in plastic. Some act like curators of ancient tomes that reflect all that was ever good in world literature. Ancient priests reflecting on holy texts that are beyond reproach and all new interpretations are heresy.
January 7, 2013 4:26 pm @Huysmans The entire iFanboy community is pretty high on Saga. I think its been a Pick of the Week 4 times out of 8. Hard to find common cause with that argument. I totally disagree with the idea that we can "use our rational knowledge of good lit(t)erature" to somehow arrive at an objectively good standard. This makes no sense. Art and literature, anything creative is open to subjective criticism. If you hold up a seminal Spiderman or comic story as the greatest and then judge everything as being good or bad based upon it, you're probably going to be disappointed a lot. I'm not a fan of the Superior Spiderman concept but if I hear its good I might look into it down the road. I doubt it runs that long. Double shipping, I give it six months and two trades. Parker's back in time for the ramp up to Amazing Spiderman 2.
December 19, 2012 10:00 pm Great review. +1 for the Russian literature reference.
December 17, 2012 1:43 pm Looks cool. Lots of falling, jumping, flying.