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Name: Skott Jimenez

Bio: I've been collecting comics since 1990, Ghost Rider Volume 2, Number 1 is the comic that began my collection.Currently I have over 5,0200 comics and my top book is Fables.http://fanboyunlimited.blogspot.com/


Zarathos81's Recent Comments
January 31, 2011 2:58 am HATED Marvel's screwing over of the fans, that's what it was and that's what it is, but I do agree that this series has been an almost consistantly good read since I started collecting it with #489 and while #587 got a lot of attention, I really think the REAL issue to read will be #588: the fall out/reaction issue. That should be some powerful stuff.

Beyond that, I love the podcast, guys, you do a great job except for not really knowing what IDW's Infestation is about. It's alright though, I overlook that because you're podcasts are more often than not VERY informative and it's nice to hear about books I normally don't pay attention to. Keep up the great work and thanks for what you do!
January 28, 2011 9:43 am Loved the Fables cover, pretty much loved them all, and the story was fantastic!

The Avengers cover was fun as well. I think this is the first time 2 covers from comics I currently read were spotlighted. (Avengers is going until #12 for me then I'm dropping it)
January 27, 2011 10:11 am Another great issue! This is one series that never disappoints!
January 26, 2011 5:21 pm @csama  Very good point while the Annihilation Wave isn't known for taking prisoners, they will infect certain useful enemies. Next time we see Johnny he will have bugs crawling under his skin and out of his mouth and ears.
January 26, 2011 5:20 pm @TexasZombie99  Actually the problem is when Marvel 'leaks' the story to the media before it's even released. The problem is Marvle polybagged this issue so that someone couldn't walk into your LCS pick it up, flip to the final page and announce it ruining it for everyone else.
Makes no sense for Marvel to polybag it to prevent someone from reading it in store if they are just going to blab to the media and let them ruin the ending for everyone.
Business is one thing but these stories actually mean something to us readers. Those fools at the AP don't give a damn. They report it without warning us they are giving away the ending of a story and move on to the next thing. Meanwhile, the moment WE'VE been looking forward to has been ruined.
January 26, 2011 5:13 pm The whole thing was bullshit. Sorry but that's what it was. Marvel cares more for being media whores than respecing the readership who's supposrted it for decades. The lame movies they allow to be made of our characters proved that years ago.
When this hit, and that started on MONDAY night, I turned off my computer and didn't look at any news or listen to anything on the radio but the Scott Pilgrim soundtrack and Kirby Krackle so I wouldn't have this spoiled.
It pisses me off that, as a reader of this series for YEARS that it's more important to Marvel to get a cheap pop from a media that doesn't give a damn about us or our comics than it is to keep up happy enough to keep giving them out $3 and $4 dollars for these comics.
Well, I've pretty much dropped most of my Marvel ongoings. I won't be following FF when it starts and when Fantastic Four #600 comes out next year chances are good that I won't be coming back to it. I'll get the fake final issue, my 99th consecutive issue, and that's it. I've already informed my LCS to stop pulling it as well as Deadpool, Avengers and Thor.
After supporting Marvel for 20 years it feels like walking in on your wife having sex with the man who introduced you to her.
Marvel: YOUR Universe...unless we can get cheap publicity then screw you.
January 26, 2011 5:05 pm I can't believe people are actually liking this art. To each their own, I understand that, but this art totally sucks! The writing has been pathetically bad since Fraction took over as well. This book has totally fallen apart. It's taking all I have to choke my way through to the end of this story, I've not had to do that since a Fantastuc Four run a while back.
This is one book that went from the top of my stack to the bottom to 'it's over soon and you can drop it'
Sad when you consider this used to be my favotire Marvel book behind only Amazing Spider-Man for a long time...and when you further consider I've never been able to stick with Thor this long before, he fast became a favorite of mine and now...it's embarassing how bad this book has gotten.
January 26, 2011 2:05 pm Screw Marvel. They took something like this and told the fans fuck you, we want the media who doesn't give a damn to talk about it. We're releasing it a day early, even though many stores won't have it or won't be opened then, and let the cat out of the bag.

Yeah, I'm done with this series after it's fake final issue and I can't say if I'll ever pick up another new issue of the Fantastic Four again. 99 issues and this is the thanks I get.

Also dropping Avengers and Deadpool...I'm choking my way through the crap that's passing for Thor then I'm done with it.

Once the dust settles the ONLY ongoing title I'm getting from Marvel is Amazing Spider-Man

Marvel: Your Universe...unless we want publicity from people who don't read comics.
January 24, 2011 1:25 pm This completely pisses me off. The media destroyed the Captain America thing for me, I lived on the west coast and by time I woke up at 9am my time news had broke and the first thing I heard was "You're story just got spoiled by a media that doesn't give a damn about comics or the concept of spoilers!"
Now this. My LCS isn't open on Tuesdays and now I have to try to make it through a day without having it spoiled for me.
It's almost like Marvel is going out of it's way to piss me off lately.
January 20, 2011 11:14 pm The sooner we end this run the better. I'm half tempted to just drop this one until Journey Into Mystery returns. This story has been just plain bad. No one is acting like they should, Balder is a whiny bitch, Thor is just a jerk and Odin is very close to being a drunken old man.
The art is annoying as hell and hard to look at.

There are two more issues of this hell...I might as well stick with it to complete the story the stay on for JitM and hope the new team actually knows how to do a Thor story.