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Name: Alex Rupp



UkeRupp's Recent Comments
September 2, 2013 11:40 am I first learned of this announcement yesterday at work. I could not believe it. This place was my home page. My fiance jokingly told me that I probably spent more hours on this site than with her (whether or not that is a joke, we will never know). It still blows my mind to think how Conor, Josh, Ron, and everyone else on the iFanboy team were able to create not just a website, but a home for all of us. I thought of his community as a family. While we lose most of the site features, we all remain. We, the iFanbase. Thank you.
August 6, 2013 3:37 pm I would love to see Gerads on Brian Wood's The Massive!
April 8, 2013 10:48 pm My guess is Mogo.
March 12, 2013 7:25 pm Honestly, I enjoyed the first issue, but I loved the second. At first, I was extremely turned off by the art--it seemed to be inconsistent from panel-to-panel--but after last issue, I am hooked. Space scenes are done beautifully and characters "feel" right. Brian Wood continues to impress. I have never read DMZ or Northlanders, but I am reading The Massive...absolutely beautiful. And, of course, the Alex Ross' covers never hurt.
March 12, 2013 7:19 pm I have always been a fan of the X-Men, from reading collected editions such as Dark Phoenix Saga; Days of Future Past; and God Loves, Man Kills and watching the old cartoon series. The first time I began buying the single issues was right after Schism, with Wolverine and the X-Men. Between WatX-M, All New X-Men, and this, I could not be more pleased. These stories have been phenomenal! There are several people calling this the Golden Age of X-Men, and I happen to wholeheartedly agree.
March 12, 2013 7:12 pm Can't wait! The past several issues have truly opened up the world of The Walking Dead: we have Alexandria, Hilltop, and Negan's fortress. It feels as if we have sent enough time caged, and Kirkman is set to remind us there is still an entire world out there. Ezekiel looks like he is going to be pretty kick-ass...he does have a tiger (possibly).
March 12, 2013 3:17 pm For now, I am going to stay positive about Zero Year. Frank Miller's Batman: Year One is one of my favorite Batman stories of all time (as it is for many of us), but it was made for a different Batman. The Batman of the oDCU is no longer. Now we have nDCU Batman, and we need to get used to it. It is not going to change (at least not in the foreseeable future), so why not embrace these new stories? Sure, I love continuity probably more so than the average reader. I love to see how all of the pieces of the puzzle fit together. This is one of the reasons I first fell in love with DC years ago: it was built on legacy, continuity. But that universe is gone (that debate can be saved for another time). The end-result of Flashpoint opened us readers to a world already five years from "the beginning" (not counting Justice League). Many readers (myself included) are ready to learn this new timeline, and writers such as Scott Snyder are set to deliver. We are over a year and a half into this new frontier, and it is time to start creating new pieces for a new puzzle.
February 1, 2013 5:02 pm Comics + Illness was one of my first introductions too. Two years ago, my girlfriend and I got into a pretty nasty car crash and I was held up in bed for several days. During that time I poured through over 100 issues--60 of them made up the complete Y: The Last Man series. It sucked not be able to walk, but the comics made the time pleasant. In fact, when I think back on those days, I think fondly. As for the children following in Dad's footsteps, I do not have any kids of my own yet (only 21), but I have tried to get my younger brother into them. He likes the idea of buying them, but when I'm home and I ask him to read with me he would rather play his computer games...I still hold hope for my future children.
January 17, 2013 1:00 am Fantastic issue as expected. Can't wait to figure out what is under the dome! However, I don't think that it has anything to do with Alfred. In the back-up, when the Joker shows Two-Face, Riddler, and Penguin what is on the platter, their reaction seems to show that it something/someone they are familiar with. Perhaps Joker knows the true identity of Batman (this would explain why he would go after Alfred), but would he have told the other three? Would something dealing Bruce Wayne's butler really have gotten that sort of reaction from the trio? The contents would have to link back to Batman rather than Bruce. Any thoughts?
August 26, 2012 3:41 pm This seems like a strange line up for Justice League of America. I feel these characters could pull of a cool "Justice League: Underground" team. Interesting choices though.