
Name: Dustin Salmon


Tress33's Recent Comments
November 19, 2012 10:11 pm Hawkeye, Revival, and X-O. I must not have subscribed to Mind the Gap because I missed the last two issues. Going to have to pick up the trade because it is an excellent story. BQ: I am going to read the first five trades of Scalped (already done with 1). Amazing story and I'm sure I'll be spending over my budget for the month buying them all up. Then I will do what I always do on Thanksgiving. Eat a huge meal and lay on the couch to watch football. Make it through the first quarter then fall asleep. Wake up at the end of the game, get up and make myself a big turkey sandwich, play board games with the family, take a second nap.Then, play with the dogs outside, complain about winter coming, play more board games with the family, go to bed. Good ol Thanksgiving!