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Stealthwise's Recent Comments
July 25, 2013 2:24 am @cskilpatrick I was curious about which prose novel you were referring to as well. Have you done a piece about novels featuring these characters? I'd be interested in some recommendations of where to start...thanks mate.
July 24, 2013 6:29 am Yes, I agree. The work above varies, but the pieces that are covers look great and really tell a story in themselves, or at least create a curiosity about what the story might be inside. A lot of the other pieces also look like posters. I'm not sure why, but I really like the Robin where the body blends with the background. I'd love to put that one up on my wall!
July 21, 2013 1:18 am Um...was the image connect to the link to this story meant to look like the Spider-Man/Mary-Jane kiss?
July 21, 2013 1:17 am I think that's why I always preferred batman to superman story lines. Don't get me wrong, I can dig superman and like MoS ok, it's just that the city destroying thing interests me less than the ethically challenged, psychologically damaged world of the Bat.
July 18, 2013 1:52 am I realise this has been thrashed out in this forum before, but was the end of TDKR a set up for Nightwing or not? The argument seems to be it wasn't, but I'd throw having a Nightwing movie into the mix? To be honest, I'm tiring a bit of the global destruction approach of Avengers and Man of Steel, as well as what's being suggested for Justice League. I actually noticed myself getting a bit bleary-eyed and yawny during the big city-destroying scenes in the second half of MoS. A Nightwing movie, tying in his origin, flashbacks to exploits with Batman drawn from iconic story arcs, and the present day story line being about tracking down Tony Zucco through the streets of Bludhaven...a more intimate, darker journey, punctuated with awesome but subtler FX emphasising acrobatics, martial arts, batarangs etc would be great! It'd have to be done really well. Maybe he's not known well enough in the cinema going public?
July 18, 2013 12:34 am I haven't seen her anywhere in the comments above, but I'd like to be Batgirl for a night. Hot AND nerdy, strong AND angsty, flexible AND clumsy...maybe be her for a night and then with her for another night. And I'd like to be Harper Rowe...at the genesis of her (possible) superhero status...world full of excitement, adventure, discovery...respect from Batman still being hard-earned. And of course Catwoman is awesome, chaotic, sassy. Oddly, I don't think superpowers appeal to me. Sure, flight, speed, strength, yadda yadda. Give me a woman with emotional edginess anytime...