
Name: Phil Baranski


ShineBox's Recent Comments
April 19, 2013 4:29 pm You know, for all the crazy, over the top Marvel stuff in his rant, I actually really like most of his ideas for the Star Wars characters. Aside from the beheaded Chewie with the robot spider body.
July 6, 2012 12:26 pm Can we please get a New Gods book with Mr. Miracle, Barda, and Quietley's version of "ugly" Orion? And can they please all live in the same house in the suburbs?
July 3, 2012 2:17 pm @ C Biro I know Conners is a scientist, but is the best record he could keep of his experiments was a 3D model where one picture of himself goes on top of a building, then spreads out to become hundreds? And where did he get a picture of himself? Did he have time to take it, then photoshop it into this program? Wouldn't it make more sense for Peter to find some actual science stuff, takes it, and figures it out on his own? Then we get to reestablish that Peter is a really smart guy. It's still an door in a genetics lab with a big "KEEP OUT" sign on it. Obviously Peter has to get bit by the spider, but it just seems like a bad choice. And we see the cops get turned into lizard men, then later on we see them cured, but we never see what they did as lizard men. Did they pass out and just lie there? Did they attack people? It never goes anywhere. It's supposed to raise the stakes, but then never actually shows us why. I think my thoughts on the movie can be summarized by the 2 scenes with the crane operator whose kid Spidey saved. When he saved his kid it's a great moment. Peter is selfless, realizes he can do more with his powers, and it all happens during a really tense and visually interesting moment. Then later Peter is hurt, and we have this 2 minute section where the crane operators all line up their cranes to give him something to swing on. Why? Is swinging on cranes that much faster than swinging on buildings? Why does Spidey's hurt leg impede his swinging? If felt shoehorned in as a NY pride moment like the first Spider-Man film, but it ended up just bogging things down. I don't want to be all negative. I really loved parts of this movie. Parts just screamed out to me as sloppy storytelling.
July 3, 2012 6:36 am I'm so torn on this movie that I left the theater not quite sure how to feel about it. It's like it was written by 2 different people who didn't really like each other. On the one hand, you've got really great character moments and relationship building. I like how they established Uncle Ben as the wise yet practical uncle, how Gwen and Peter's relationship built (him telling her he was Spider-Man was fantastic), Peter learning to use his powers in creative and exciting ways, and Dr. Conners' really stood out as a man who wasn't evil, just driven and pushed too far. I even liked Capt. Stacey slowly learning to trust Peter. On the other hand there's some really clumsy storytelling. See that device over there you once saw as a kid? It shoots out gas. Gee, bet that won't be referenced later at all. The traffic reporter sees Spider-Man and instantly knows he's hurt, where he's going, and why he's going there? Was someone worried we couldn't figure that out for ourselves? Why did Dr. Conners have a 3D model of his evil plan playing on repeat at a computer he was no where near? Why would Peter, a smart kit, walk into a room full of spiders in a crazy science lab without any kind of protection? And what ever happen to all those cops that got turned into Lizards? The dialogue, action, visuals, and acting were all really great, but it was all strung together by really questionable plotting. Once they got where they needed to be it was great, but getting there was clunky and awkward.