Name: Stephen Hereford
This is my first dive into the Marvel Cosmic Universe…and it was great. Marvel was smart to release War of…
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Join Us in Saying Goodbye to Ron Richards with iFanboy Pick of the Week Podcast #370! LIVE!
January 22, 2013 12:44 pm Bad enough hearing Josh's tears in audio, now seeing everyone in video cry is gonna be heartbreaking. Good luck at Image Ron!
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Spidey Deserves Better
July 16, 2012 12:29 pm Although there was good stuff in it, this film is pretty boring. I don't know the Peter Parker in this film because I felt he was a bit of a jerk. Plus there's story threads in the movie that they completely forget about. I'm glad this film seems to be fading away cause I don't think it deserves anymore buzz than it got. I hope they do better with this property next time but I'm not holding much hope.
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January 3, 2012 12:37 pm I haven't even read the book and its already giving me nightmares.
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Top 5: DC Relaunch Books That Could Have Used Mustaches
September 13, 2011 10:46 am There needs to be more ridiculous Top 5's like this on the site.
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THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN Teaser Trailer, Now in HD
July 20, 2011 5:27 pm Seems a little too somber. Sure its just a teaser, but it could be a little more light-hearted. I'll wait til they show some more stuff.
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Special Edition – Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon
June 29, 2011 4:04 pm I know the heroes destroyed the pillar which would of caused Cybertron to land on Earth, but when they showed just how close Earth and Cybertron were, Cybertron looked like it was pretty much already in our atmosphere. I'm no scientist, but I'm pretty sure gravity would of taken course and Cybertron would of still collided with Earth.
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Movie Studios Calling It Quits On SDCC?
June 13, 2011 3:50 pm Makes perfect sense. Not every comic book related movie needs some huge panel at Comic-Con. Something like The Dark Knight Rises or The Avengers don't need cause a huge amount of people are gonna see those regardless. I can see how this happening might hurt SDCC but I'd be really interested to see if SDCC would sell out as fast if people found out they weren't gonna see celebs such as Samuel L. Jackson or Ryan Reynolds.
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Special Edition – X-Men: First Class
June 6, 2011 2:15 am Couple of problems with the film, but I'd have to agree with Ron in saying this is the superhero movie to beat this summer. It was so good and I'm so glad nothing in the film got spoiled for me so I was actually surprised. I really want to see where the X-Men films go from here. Hopefully not to shit.
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iFanboy #215 – X-Men: First Class
June 2, 2011 5:37 pm @bpepple Same here. Can't download the HD version.
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Geoff Johns and Jim Lee on Justice League, DC Renumbers All Titles, Same Day Digital On Everything
May 31, 2011 5:34 pm Really hope this works out. Someone had to step up and make a move like this. Now to see if it'll actually work.
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