


Rambomustard's Recent Comments
April 22, 2013 10:00 am I would never pay full price for something unless I could own it. With digital comics such as Comixology makes available, you are renting access indefinitely rather than buying. We say what would happen if Comixology goes under because something better comes along. Well, one day it will. It is an economic certainty that either the business will be bought by another company and morphed into something else or it will die because of competition. Its not a question of "will" this happen. You have to be willing to watch all that money disappear. If you are not, don't do digital.
April 22, 2013 9:01 am I don't think digital will be replacing print outright for a long time. Unless people have an economic incentive to do so, print will continue to be strong i.e. the price of mp3 vs CDs. Until the cost of paper, ink or distribution causes the printed edition to become cost prohibitive and assuming there is a parallel cost drop on the digital side, the paradigm will not shift. @jwt6577: there are some interesting reasons for that phenom. Some theorists believe the process of reading has a physical dimension to it. When people read the process itself may be similar to making a map. The physical printed book lends itself to being more closely read and also remembered in this way. Studies show that digital, possibly because it does not have a physical dimension, is read more quickly read and more poorly retained. Apparently, the mapping process is important to making a meaningful connection. I have read many digital comics myself and while I did enjoy reading them I can't shake the feeling that reading the physical object is somehow a deeper experience. We can tell ourselves that digital is more convenient or that storage is easier with digital but at the end of the day our reading must be about the quality of the experience.