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Bio: Original Geek, foo.

OutsideFringe's Recent Comments
May 17, 2013 4:25 pm Just watched Supes2 recently; hasn't aged well, but Zod is still cool. Did anyone play the National Guard cross-promotional game? Not bad... The bonus mission lets you blow up robots with heat vision. You're supposed ot be playing as Superman, but I was screaming, "KNEEL BEFORE ZOD!" the whole time. http://www.soldierofsteel.com/game/#play
May 17, 2013 4:01 pm I actively try not to learn much about the people who create something that I really love; I'd rather not let their crazy interfere with my perception of their genius. I find it better to remain blissfully ignorant of creatives' personal lives because they do tend to be a little odd...
May 17, 2013 3:39 pm The two Arkham games so far have both been amazing. I hope they can keep it up. That being said, this trailer features the level of graphical fidelity I want in the next cycle of consoles, although I imagine there's about as much chance of that happening as there is of me becoming Batman.