
Name: Matthew Rodriguez


Mister_E's Recent Comments
August 16, 2011 6:11 pm I have to say "ditto" to KennyG! I mean the new Zatanna costume just does not look interesting at all....I love these pics of her much more: http://geekdraw.com/picture/jamal-igle-zatanna-pin-up-apr2011.jpg?pictureId=9360770&asGalleryImage=true http://geekdraw.com/picture/adam-hughes-zatanna-12-apr2011.jpg?pictureId=8336021&asGalleryImage=true http://i680.photobucket.com/albums/vv170/bartonfink13/img2/zatanna-01.jpg http://geekdraw.com/picture/stephane-roux-zatanna-8.jpg?pictureId=7837357&asGalleryImage=true This: http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lo8akvvYqv1qbujox.jpg looks MUCH blander in comparison.... I will say though that I like the Madame Xanadu & Enchantress redesigns. But, Rac Shade should've kept the look/outfit from the Flashpoint: Secret 7 mini as his redesign & Mindwarp all-around look BORING! What I want to know is where's Detective Chimp, Ragman, Blue Devil & Zauriel??