
Name: Mike Klander


MikeKlander's Recent Comments
October 15, 2009 3:15 pm

I loved this article.  Well said.  Everything about it.  You would think in this world class recession some things woudl be done to accomodate the comic book collectors of the world.  As it is I have taken a good half of the comics I normallly collect off my pulllist and am still spending an absurd amount I think.

 Trades work so much better in these days and times.  for so many reasons.  But for those people who just can't stray from the classic comic book, what are some of the ways one can assess which stories to get trades and which aren't?  

I for one tend to go with the writers.  Bendis for example tends to write sotrylines that sometimes lag in the middle despite his amazing dialogue.  House of M was a prime example.  I always hate when I spend a crap load of money on a Wednesday and one of them seems pointless to get. Sometimes they tell one story in one issue, that could have been included in a previous chapter, effectively reducing the number of issues it takes to tell a story.   

I would say really go back and assess the writers for each story you've collected.  If  you find certain stories have a lull in them at times and there is a consistency with the writers telling those stories, maybe those are the writers you make sure you buy trades for.  I'm not knocking those writers.  Bendis is great and one of my favourites.  I just bought Secret Invasion as a trade and loved every minute of it.  But I can definitely tell this is something I would have hated collecting seperately.