
Name: Jeremiah Martell


Mart8El's Recent Comments
May 9, 2011 2:38 pm @josh Where did you find that info at? I haven't seen anything breaking down the fee from $45,000 and onwards...
May 9, 2011 1:46 pm I was checking this story out last week, and I have the same general feeling as Heroville, it really is showing a growing trend of disrespect across Noth America towards the Arts, and all literacy genres I find.

I think this really was money well spent, especially given that if they didn't pay him to do the talk, they'd have lost the money, and not had the value of his talks.

HOWEVER, it should be noted that Gaiman later also clarified that he was not paid $45,000, but rather $33,600, which is significantly less than the accused amount. ALSO, he gave the money to 2 charities. This money went from Governmental hands, to a well respected and deserving author, and then directly to charities that wanted and needed the money to go back into worthy causes. How does this cycle of the money upset Mr. Dean???