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Name: Mike R

Bio: another semi-failed artist, what else is new. . . living vicariously through other creators, cause I can!


LostArtist's Recent Comments
October 25, 2011 9:17 pm the only thing I hate about reading digital comics is double page spreads. they don't work on a tablet. I wouldn't read a digital comic on a computer screen like a laptop or desktop monitor, I've tried, something is too disconnected, but a tablet feels okay, since I can at least move it around easier, but I don't like using it to read comics while I'm eating, where as with paper comics, eh, so what, if you spill something and wipe it off fast enough it's all okay, or maybe you're out the $4 on the issue, but on a tablet, not sure that'd be the case, and reading on the . . well, nevermind . . . let's just say that tablet's can limit where you feel comfortable reading . . . .
August 19, 2011 7:38 pm looks pretty good to me. y'all must have standards or something . . . he rides a V-Max! looks highly entertaining for my taste anyway, as long as he doesn't eat jelly beans for no good reason that'll make it 100 times better than the first one.
August 12, 2011 3:01 pm so, what Josh is saying . . . is that he needs a vacation. . . 
August 12, 2011 2:01 pm just awesome stuff!!  
July 22, 2011 6:19 pm didn't they make this movie with Tom Cruise a while back???
July 22, 2011 4:34 pm @swintronix  

which Kiss member plays the tamberine again???
July 20, 2011 5:29 pm I wish they'd just continue with the movie continuity instead of redoing the origin story again, but, that said, this looks better than the Sam Raimi one, from my perspective anyway, I think it'll be a good movie. just not sure how needed it is to retell the origin again, unless that's a quick like 30 min max retelling . . . idk
July 7, 2011 7:59 pm I liked it!  highly enjoyable movie, way better than X-men First Class.  it wasn't perfect but it was very enteraining, and unlike X-men First Class I didn't feel like I needed a nap 2/3rds of the way through

yes my attention span is short, so the jumping around bit only bugged me a little, kinda reminded me of Speed Racer a bit 
July 7, 2011 4:41 pm uh huh   
July 7, 2011 3:34 pm I think Ron and Conor's "hard and fast" rules are just made up to cover the 1000s of past issues they are way too emotionally invested in, they won't admit that but. . . . the past is the past, look towards the light of the future!!!  ha ha!  ;)