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Name: Lawrence Novak


LawrenceOfArabia's Recent Comments
July 11, 2011 7:23 pm And fyi, if you're looking for some great coverage of the Conan film, visit First Showing (i.e. http://www.firstshowing.net/2011/watch-another-kick-ass-official-uk-trailer-for-conan-the-barbarian/). He has done a play-by-play of all the content released for the upcoming flick. And he notes in a few posts the attention payed to the Howard stories. I'm pretty excited about this release, esp given the fact that most attention ayed to Conan via pop culture tends to mention Ahhnold.
July 11, 2011 5:49 pm And what do we all think of the new Conan movie? Is everyone familiar? Word is that the new depiction is closer to Howard's vision of Conan. If you look at Mark Schultz's illustration of Conan (my avatar), I think Jason Momoa is a dead ringer.