
Name: Mike Boyd



I’m getting very frustrated with this book.  This one did not have ANY appearances by the FF…besides that, there was…

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I’m getting very frustrated with this book.  This one did not have ANY appearances by the FF…besides that, there was…

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LakeFToy's Recent Comments
March 12, 2012 11:00 am I would sleep overnight in a parking lot to see that...
March 2, 2012 8:59 pm If anyone has missed this series, I highly recommend it...This will be awesome in trade form...!!
February 24, 2012 7:53 pm I've enjoyed this storyline, but not this particular issue...Seems like little progression...Just a movement from last issue to #12...
February 23, 2012 6:56 pm I usually have a bias against books that don't feature the title character--but in this case, I'll make an exception. We needed to get a sense of Mera's character, and this story did just that. I'm really enjoying this book right now...5/5.
February 9, 2012 11:53 am A very welcome surprise...May buy the trade as well...and I rarely do that if I have the comics already. Absolutely great story and art!
February 6, 2012 4:45 pm Amen to both of you...May be the best book I've read in years...
February 3, 2012 11:46 am I was interested in a Penguin story. The cover led me to believe so. Didn't happen. Same thing happened with the Joker in the "Dollmaker" storyline. Frankly, they need a new writer. I don't care if it's a storyline with a major villain or not, just don't sell it as such...
February 2, 2012 7:10 am Had to go back and re-read the old ones, but this is really an engaging story...May just wait until it's all over and buy the trade. Shame there was such a gap, but the "mystery" element is very well done here...
January 27, 2012 9:37 pm Honestly, I'm bored with this title...I like Hickman's FF, but this just isn't doing it for me...
January 27, 2012 7:01 am This particular issue has been, by far, my favorite so far...Developing into a pretty good story. Hasn't been really good for a long time, so good to see...