
Name: B S


Krysmopompas's Recent Comments
March 4, 2013 5:29 pm Dr. Strange was actually really good for the time and was a TV movie to boot. Saw it recently and it was fun - great score, and MUCH better than the Captain America TV movies that came out around the same time, if you want to get technical about it
March 4, 2013 5:18 pm MANHATTAN GUARDIAN!! Totally agree. Things were going well for him until James Ribinson decided to resurrect the Jim Harper Guardian yet again. But it's a new landscape now. And while my favourite of the 7 Soldiers characters, Frankenstein, now has a good profile in the new52, it's time to give the awesome Manhattan Guardian a shot. Let's do this! I'll even offer a suggestion: start with Lemire and Zub co-writing. Then give it to Zub 5 issues in. Still working on who should draw it. Suggestions?