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Name: Adam Woodard


JediMasterWoodard's Recent Comments
March 28, 2012 12:24 am I liked it when Cam said, "Well… of course I checked your pull list Mike, I do every week." That made me laugh. Can we play that part again? I also liked my wife's comment. ^^^ABOVE^^^ I can vouch for her. She is nosy.
March 27, 2012 11:55 pm I loved this issue. I think this will come to be my favorite Goon single issue. It spoke to me and by the end of the comic, I was misty-eyed. My mom died last year and when Powell closed the comic with The Goon saying, "When you died I knew there was one less person in this world that really loved me," that touched my heart. I've been a long time Goon reader, since the Albatross Exploding Funny Book days, but this is the first issue that has made me stop and think about the things that really matter.
March 27, 2012 11:43 pm I really liked this story arc. I'm not sure why so many didn't like it. "Lame" was the word I saw most often. I think that some people just like to complain. While we're on the subject of complaining, there is one thing that bothered me about this issue. I don't read Batman. I just not that big of a fan. So when Bruce smacks the crap out of Dick and picks this random filling up that had apparently been lodged in Dicks teeth, I had no idea what was going on. So I went and bought Batman 7 to see wtf was up. So I guess Dick has had this "conductor" in his tooth since before Bruce adopted him. This makes no sense! Did Bruce, with all his billions of dollars, never take Dick to the dentist? Did Dick never run his tounge over his teeth? I mean come on, I notice when there is a popcorn kernel stuck in my teeth, but Dick didn''t notice and giant chunk of metal in his tooth for 30 years? I thought these guys were susposed to be detectives. There are so many plot holes in this idea that it's insane. Whatever. I enjoyed the comic overall.