


HankChinaski's Recent Comments
January 8, 2013 1:39 pm Shhh. :) My LCS may or may not have let me peek at a copy too. That is why I'm so irate at this stupid line of argument. lol
January 8, 2013 1:34 pm ...and to wrap this up because now I am getting angry I leave you with a little wisdom from my Grandfather: "Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one and everyone thinks everyone else's stinks." I'm logging out of here before I go on the attack. So far I have managed to keep this rather civil. I feel that slipping away as all this "nerd rage" is reaching a fever pitch. This is a none issue folks. If you don't like it, then don't buy it. Done.
January 8, 2013 1:28 pm You....you don't like it. The truth is there have been a lot of people praising this move. Lets not split hairs here and pretend that the outrage is from the vocal majority. It isn't. It just appears that way because the immediacy of the internet gives it credence Zeppo.
January 8, 2013 1:26 pm "My biggest problem with both your article and the fanboy outrage (among my many problems with both) is that you are essentially saying that you don’t want your comic books to change." Amen!
January 8, 2013 1:15 pm I agree with your sentiment here definitely. I think the thing that irks me most about these stories even getting print is they encourage that "boys club" attitude of comic fans where we keep tearing down the very thing we love. It is like when a site publishes a title will probably end at a certain issue. With such low selling numbers on some titles it can be a death's knell for that title which is just a shame. This isn't journalism. This is sadly what journalism has become. Just give me the basic information. I'll develop my own opinions. Every site I go to I find it is mostly reviews, and that should be the smallest percentage of what is printed on the site. It is why I like this site but LOVE The Beat. Reviews are just opinions ultimately. And the people on these sites have a responsibility to temper those opinions with enough fact and logic to edify and build up the industry. I'm actually to the point I might delete me account on this site and just go back to getting my "candy" comics news from ComicBookResources and my legit news from The Beat.
January 8, 2013 1:06 pm ...and sorry for the misspellings. I'm a little passionate about this issue because the few times I've talked to Dan I know there is no one that loves Spider-Man more than he does. We could continue to have the same old "Spidey beats up villain A for the billionth time" stories, but it is the job of any good writer to explore the possibilities of any character to its fullest extent. Dan would not have just done this if he didn't have a plan in place, and a sound one at that.
January 8, 2013 1:01 pm I can't reveal too much because I'm privy to some knowledge but I'll simply say we will have to agree to disagree on this. Unlike the last death, Slott is a competent writer. Mackie has been and will always be a hack, and that is why The Clone Saga was so bad and still so derided by fans. I think if fans set aside their personal issues and gave Slott a little faith they would see an incredible web of story (no pun intended) that has built slowly over the years he's been on the title to this point, that while I had it figured out before 698, I think allows Slott to explore some things with the character that have never been explored before. And as a fellow writer here on this site said in one of his posts the other day...we know it won't last so eventually you will get back those Peter stories you love so much. I have glaring issues with a lot of your logic here and think the truth is that only complaint that exists from anyone that is valid is from a fans standpoint, but Marvel since its inception has been a company that takes daring chances with its characters...and except for some missteps during the 90s...as always done well in that. I'm sorry you don't like what is happening. I was apprehensive but the more I read Slott talking about his plans and hear his passion the more I can't help but say what Christos N Gage said to me about my gripe over Avengers Arena ruining the stories of Runaways and Avengers Academy: I don't have to buy the title. And you don't. I know you addressed that but that really is the only answer there is. I, for one, and excited to see character explored...probably because of my English Lit and teaching/writing backgrounds. I will simply say give Slott a chance, or just drop the title. Frankly, as a fan, I'm tired of hearing it. To me, the things that DC is doing to their entire line of books and creators, creator rights, the "resignation" of Karen Berger and the slow change of Vertigo to a factory to regurgitate previously established IP from old titles and other mediums...these are all much bigger issues. I let Avengers Arena go...after buying the first issue so I could put my money where my mouth is...I think a lot of you fans can do the same for Spidey for the 18-24 issues this is sure to be the status quo.
January 7, 2013 12:49 pm And everything you say here is all to be explored in what Slott is writing. Do you honestly think that Slott hasn't asked himself these same questions? He knows what he is doing and I'm almost certain when this is all done a lot of fans will be eating crow.
January 7, 2013 12:48 pm I'm with you on this. It sounds like Slott has a lot planned ahead for how to explore things like "What does it mean to be a hero?" and issues of redemption. Otto having Peter's memories definitely plays to this because we've already seen in these last two issues that he is distressed and uncomfortable with carrying the weight of what Peter has had to face in his life. I give Marvel credit for making such a controversial move, and Slott credit for potentially damaging something he loves to explore the nature of character. I'm in for the ride.