
Name: Craig Brown


CraigB's Recent Comments
September 7, 2011 1:51 pm As a college instructor and comic book reader from way back, I really appreciate and can relate to that one teacher who made a difference. I've taught a survey course on rhetorical criticism and I've always included a section on comic books. I use Understanding Comics and we study the DC Batman comic they did with the UN to help make people aware of the problems created by land mines. When it works it's great to see the students realize there's more than just capes and cowls. Thanks again for yet another smart article, Ryan.
August 17, 2011 1:28 pm I actually enjoy these discussions about how the "real world" and the comics world do or don't realistically intersect. For another approach on the issue of how the comics universe would really play out, you should check out the Law and the Multiverse website. It takes what Ryan's doing from a legal perspective.