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Name: Dustin Turnage

Bio: I'll never be happy, or a truely complete person until Rainbow Raider is back in action.


Burritoclock's Recent Comments
June 13, 2012 11:06 pm Even though it's a miniscule amount, I hate the shit Snyder is getting for the "reveal". The 9 1/2 issue journey to get here is what matters. I'm looking forward to the wrap up of this story, to see how Batman deals with it, but I have no reason to worry and think this will go down as one of the best comic arc's I've ever read.
June 11, 2012 1:20 pm You sir are exactly right. Bland, idiot characters. The dumbest "scientists" in existence. Forced symbolism and themes... Sure did look purty though!
June 7, 2012 4:25 pm I'm buying two to spite moore. One I'll keep, the other I will throw away.
June 3, 2012 6:23 pm Comic fan: "nothings really changed, new 52 is stupid!" Comic fan spins around, facing a different camera "STOP! Stop changing things I want them to be the same!"
June 2, 2012 10:38 am Ok... but IroncladMerc is right. "How will green lantern being gay effect the movie franchise?" was a headline I saw. I've been asked 5 times now how I feel about green lantern being gay. Then I have to say it's not THE green lantern and get into a way too long discussion of something I don't care about with someone that doesn't actually care about it either!
June 1, 2012 4:10 pm NOPE! It is not allowed to talk about progress, only lack of progress. We can only point out that gay marriage was outlawed in North Carolina! We must never, ever discuss that it is legal in 100% more states than it was less than a decade ago. Also, be sure to never discuss that it wasn't even talked about not too many years ago. Never mind that the young are in favor of it and the old aren't and so naturally the tide will turn. You can only talk about the negative! The sky must be falling or who will care? How many people would click the news headline "Comparatively, everything is better today than it was not too long ago."
June 1, 2012 9:43 am I just can't wait to see how many people now claim Alan Scott as their "favorite" character and how he is ruined, haha. Also this is going to confuse a whole lot of mainstream people, what with the torrent of "Green Lantern Gay" head lines.
May 30, 2012 10:03 am Same, I had three different characters that I had carried through each game. So that's somewhere roughly around 500 hours of game play.... not to mention books and comics.
May 29, 2012 1:03 pm I know it's senseless/needless whining at this point, but it's really depressing how they sucked the life from this franchise with that shit ending. It's like I'm not mad, just I went from super over the top interested in all things mass effect to zero interest in all things mass effect.
May 16, 2012 3:19 pm I do not think that fits here. This is not pleasure from a slave being eaten by a lion or a homeless man unable to find food or even an innocent jogger tripping on the sidewalk. I take pleasure from this because I find Moore's constant whining, pity parties, and blatant hypocrisy annoying. It's closer to the pleasure someone feels when a congressman that relentlessly bashes gay's and talks about the sanctity of marriage get's caught soliciting gay sex in a mens restroom.